Mineral Water?


Well-Known Member
I would say no because mineral water by definition is hard water with lots of dissolved solids in it.

Naturally occurring or prepared water that contains dissolved mineral salts, elements, or gases, often used therapeutically.

Reverse osmosis water is the best for your plants, just like soil with no added ferts are the best because you have total control over what goes into it.
But would those dissolved solids cause problems?
I don't want to buy a reverse osmosis machine, im only growing one plant!
The tap water in my area is nasty, even after its been filtered i wouldnt drink it


Active Member
It sounds like a expensive option, rain water or distilled water would be another alternative.
Not really expensive, 98p for a bottle and one bottle lasts just under a week, if your into spirituality or even deep into genetic science youll understand that the water you give your plant will effect your plant greatly, perhaps in an unseen way & even immeasurable way, but certainly effecting it none the less...