mini fridge ideas, problems, schematics Q's, lots to think about.


Active Member
Ok. this could be a long post, bear with me. I have a mini fridge that is 28" tall, by 20" deep, by 18" wide. I have been researching sog and scrog grows, lighting, venting, etc. I took out the freezer portion of the fridge (about 5") for room. As I see it if I put my CFL's aiming horizontally, at the top. I will leave about 6 or 7" for potting room, hopefully around a foot from top of pot to screen, for the veg stage, and the remainder for the eventual flowering and horizontal lights. Hopefully without burning them, but adjustments can be made for the next grow. the space is going to be tight, and I know I am pushing it with this set up, but here is the rest.
I am going to start with one clone to see how it reacts with the space. My idea to keep the grow going is to build a separate container on the left side (much smaller for one little plant, i will even take a cutting from her and kill her if she gets too big) that is completely sealed off from the rest of the grow space. This would be for a cutting to grow for the next grow. Not too worried about killing her cause I can get more. Anyway. These two separate "rooms" would both have intake and exhaust. The little container is sealed off so I can induce flowering without allowing any light in the bigger part.
Now some questions. I wasn't sure how much light I would need, but since I am using CFL's i figure the more the better. They are 100 W blue's from home depot. I have a bunch so last night I hooked up seven to see how hot they would get, just for grins. 114 degrees and 20 % humidity. and the heat stays forever ffrom the insulation. I have some 5" computer fans I intend to put in today for exhaust and intake and hopefully to push air through the leaves. They are like triple the amount my grow bible says I need, but I figure I would try them to maybe eliminate the need for a fan blowing directly on the buds. They are fairly quiet. After I install them I will see what the max # of lights is I can have and maintain good temp, humidity. I fucked up and cut the fridge line so there is no way to use the actual fridge as a temperature control. Thats what a friend suggested, but i think there would be problems when flowering comes around with switching it on and off and reseting its internal clock, making the "back on" part last to long. etc. Any suggestions are cool and I am really impressed if you read this entire post, you crazy person.


Well-Known Member
I read the entire post, then pooped in my hand and threw it at someone walking down the sidewalk in front of my house. Yes, I am crazy. I think the idea sounds pretty good. Right now I have two plants in flower in about the same size area as that, they're doing just fine, one of the plants I let get too tall, but I'm not using a screen, just LST and topping. I think you'll have enough room just take in to account that plants grow A LOT when you put them into flower. Temps should be fine when you get some air circulating, the only reason it gets so hot is, as you said, the insulation. Peace.


Well-Known Member
P.S. the idea of controlling temp with the fridge cooling system was a bad one anyway. Good in theory, but the air that fridges blow is too cold, it would have been like it was growing outdoors in Florida, but with gusts of wind from the arctic. To simplify it would stress the hell out of your plants.


Active Member
im rigging a refridgerator for growing im just waiting to get my plants grown up a little bigger (IE SEEDLINGS) pm me if you want we can scheme