mini plants for first grow


New Member
Hey everyone,
So this is my first grow, picked up the clones on the 20th of may so they are just aabout mid 6th week, I use fox farm ocean forest soil as well as both grow big and big bloom(though accidently didn't start the grow big until the 4th week), I was wondering if it was okay for my plants to be so small when entering flower, can this be fixed or is it sort of normal. Thanks all!

Jack herrerimage.jpgimage.jpg image.jpg
Blue dreamimage.jpgimage.jpg image.jpg
OG kushimage.jpgimage.jpg image.jpg

Final Phase

Well-Known Member
No problem on when you start a clone to go into flowering. You just won't get that much yield. The longer the veg time = more bud.
Have fun - let them blast off today!


Well-Known Member
They can flower at anytime.

That's 6 weeks from cut/purchase?
Do you have indoor lights setup?

Those leaves taped to the rim of the pot must be uncomfortable to them.