
Active Member
Ok so I have been growing in soil for a long time and just now diving into the world of hydroponics. I have looked at all the different systems out there and I am going to build my own system. It is based off of the “tomato tent” system but I have modified it for my needs and space. It has 8 sites and a reservoir of 2.5 gallons and another 2.5 gallons in the system for a total of 5 gallons. I like to tinker with things so we shall see how this works. The system has 8 grow sites that utilize 2” pots so let’s call it micro-hydro… This is the inspiration......TomatoTentHydro.jpg


Active Member
That's a cool system but if you're going to grow 8 sites, you're going to need either much more res or a serious pH control/auto topoff system. One of the main things soil to hydro people don't realize is just how much water these things drink. You can get away with under watering in soil, your plants just get droopy. In hydro, you get high TDS, pH swings and root rot.


Active Member
I was thinking about that.. What would you recommend? I have backup 5, and 10 gallon tanks, what i am hoping is that with the water constantly cycling that the ph will be maintained. Each site will have its own air stone as well as the tank. I have a 145 gph pump that should cycle the system 29 times a hour with 5 gallons, 19 times with 7.5 gallons, and 14 times a hour with 12.5 gallons. I dont plan to grow monsters I just want to see if it works, this is an experiment so if it doesent oh well :)


Active Member
A good rule of thumb is 5 gallons of water per plant but once you get over 20 gallons you should be in decent shape with 8 sites but you'll have to stay right on top of things. In flower they drink a lot of water More water means more buffering capacity which means slower pH swings and THAT is a key to being a water guy.


Well-Known Member
That system is something out of star trek. I'd place the res on the outside, it'll be hard when your into flowering and you gotta get in the middle of 8 plants to get to that 5gallon bucket.


Active Member
Ray that was my line of thinking so I finished constructing it last night in a way that the res is on the outside (thanks ray) so that changing the res will be easy. It took a bit of trial and error to get the water levels right but I think its ready to go. My camera is on the fritz so i will have pics tomorrow....


Active Member
It's actually a pretty cool system, I've messed around with that design before. If you want one suggestion, I'd stack two containers for your res, put a float valve inline in the bottom fed from the top container. Set the float to the level you want the water in the cylinders. Make your nutrient solution and put it in the bottom container. Add plain water to the top container.As the plants take in water, the plain will dilute the more concentrated solution in the bottom container and cylinders.