MiNi red party cup challenge ?

Another example of how to abuse your current rules is Deep Water Culture (DWC). Basically, again, the small pot would be the anchor holding you plant in/on the system, and the 'real' roots would then go out the bottom of the pots and into a bucket of water. To prevent root rot, the water is then aerated with fishtank air pumps. So again, the pot does nothing but hold the plant upright, while the giant root system is actually hydroponic .
Obviously this would be disqualified man. The roots are allowed to go out since it is bound to happen in a cup that size. Very clearly stated that it had to be in soil so troll somewhere else
I'm not trolling. He said the roots can go into another container of water. See my next post above about how this other container can be hydroponic.

If the roots can exit, it defeats the purpose of the small cup. The way to win would be to make the exiting roots the real source of growth

I'm just trying to help because I want to see the result of the challenge (so it should be a challenge, not just a regular hydro set up that wins)
Ya I know. I fucked that up big time. I was thinking about that today.
Few ways you can change it.

1) No roots outside pot, or they go into air
2) No water or air pumps to interact with the roots outside of the pot (so maybe still letting the roots inside to have flow or bubbling (if perlite/rocks/etc) or something). This would mean that roots shouldn't reach very far out of the pot (because they should actually die from lack of suitable environment)
3) Maximum depth of water permitted outside the pot, like only a few cm or less (probably still needs no pump rule for this though)
I have never been a water dude so it's not something I think about.

I'm thinking simple. Put some dirt in the cup. Germ the seed straight to dirt or in a napkin and grow it in this little cup. Just find a way to keep it wet.

New rule. No roots outside the damn cup. Do whatever you want to the cup. If you want to drill 34 holes into it do it. No roots outside the cup or minimal.

I just want to keep it simple really. If you can keep the roots wet in the cup you're good to go.

This isn't going to produce much but fun anyway. I'm shooting for an 1/8 bud at the top.
Pot must be sat alone and not submerged by any definition for atleast the dark period or 4 hours a day ?? This will pretty much kill off any ones root system who wants to do it dwc/hydroponic style but still allow to be fed/watered from bottom if wanted ???
I put my samsara ultra violet straight into the pot last night :)

Seems to be a bit of a dwarf strain so hoping that helps lol

Was gonna do paper towel method @HansBud but thought if I come back to a long tap root with a tiny pot I'd end up killing it when potting lol
Haha my plan is to get em in soil as soon as they crack! I wouldn't be too worried about it tho, I grew this super bud in a solo cup and tipped it over 6 times!!!! First time when she was 2 days old everything came out of the cup, soil her roots and all and then stupidly just kept doing it her whole life and everytime her roots and everything fell out of the cup, but.... She grew just fine yea she was tiny but never died haha
Haha my plan is to get em in soil as soon as they crack! I wouldn't be too worried about it tho, I grew this super bud in a solo cup and tipped it over 6 times!!!! First time when she was 2 days old everything came out of the cup, soil her roots and all and then stupidly just kept doing it her whole life and everytime her roots and everything fell out of the cup, but.... She grew just fine yea she was tiny but never died haha
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I've done that. Made me feel like shinola. Thought It would kill the danged thing. Nope. It rode through it unharmed.
Haha my plan is to get em in soil as soon as they crack! I wouldn't be too worried about it tho, I grew this super bud in a solo cup and tipped it over 6 times!!!! First time when she was 2 days old everything came out of the cup, soil her roots and all and then stupidly just kept doing it her whole life and everytime her roots and everything fell out of the cup, but.... She grew just fine yea she was tiny but never died haha
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I've got one of the ultraviolets on the go at the minute that I grew just to abuse lol she's in a 1L pot never been fed , hardly watered , 2nd hand light and topped yet she's still alive so seems pretty durable :)
She's the little flowering thing on the left lol
^I have an auto AK in a 2 liter bottle for the same reason. Abusing her badly and it already shows. Science.

My Critical+ 2.0 went into a paper towel last night. Hoping she pops before I get outta work. Debating soil or coco. I only have a hot organic soil on hand so I'm leaning towards coco. Dunno how good my nutes would be with it though. Additional challenge for the challenge. Lol
I feel like this got out of control for the rules, I mean were all adults who can just actually be honest right? What motivation would there be to give yourself an unfair advantage in a contest with no prize?

But, I know that people are also fucking tools, and since I was thinking of adding a couple small prizes I want a even playing field. Should I go ahead with prizes, I will donate the items, and figure all the shipping out when the time comes.

Good luck and happy growing to you all, get those seeds in the dirt and lets do this people. To preserve the integrity of the contest I ask that everyone tries to update at least once every 2 weeks. When the contest is near the end, I will ask that each contestant post a photo of their plant right before chopping with their username and the date written on a piece of paper thats clearly legible in the photo. :D If this is a problem we'll work something out, this is for fun at the end of the day right

A word of caution that just crossed my mind, when you begin feeding these little ladies practice extreme caution! These little plants are not going to need very much food relative to their full size sisters.
No point cheating it's all for fun at the end of the day and the joys of experimenting lol

I'm thinking it would probably be a mix worked out to 100ml water instead of 1 litre @1/4 strength rec , which would give around 4 waterings over hopefully 2 days ..

That's when nutes are introduced obv but I still plan on letting her get my full line of nutes . just a little maths and maybe a drip thing for measuring lol

Will Find out soon enough :)
Critical+ 2.0 split open today so she got dropped into some coco. Currently in one of my translucent dixie cup greenhouses maintaining humidity and moisture while having some shielding from the uber rays of the 400w MH. (she's actually in the shade but don't tell her that.) Will post a pic when she sprouts. :bigjoint:

And so it begins...