Mini-Water Cure / Smoke Report


Well-Known Member
good shiot shen and from what i know ur supposed to water cure for 7 days not 6 but with my first grow i decided not to water cure any as im tryion to sell most of it but with my next grow imma have 2 plants one for water cure one for air cure than ill post bak on here and let u know what i think


Active Member
Has anyone tried water curing for like one or 2 days, and then air curing for the remainder of the time?

Maybe it'll speed up the process a bit, while still retaining some smell and flavor.... I'm really just guessing though of course.

I'll try a bit of my next harvest to see where it takes me and update everyone!


Well-Known Member
nice of u to post this im looking forward to curing some after next grow in water like you i thought it loses weight so its a bad idea lol but clean taste is better to me


Active Member
as far as i know from what ive read, its more of a bunch of trade offs when deciding on whether or not to water cure..........personally id devote a small portion to water curing because it gives a little variety, and its easy.........but its more about preference and style in the end...............


Active Member
so how exactly did you dry the bud?? u just hold a hairdryer to it for awhile?? im trying to decide how iwant to dry mine once i water cure...


Well-Known Member
The amount of time its in the water effects the outcome 7 days is not set in stone. did you keep the container in the dark? and did you use cold water or luke warm? also I've read that some people stir, i personally dont stir and I use cold water and keep the container in the dark and switch out the water 2 times a day for the first three days, also some let it air dry for three days before placing it in water I'm not sure what effect that might have maybe something to do with chlorophyll evaporation or something along those lines