Minimum Amount Of Flushing


Well-Known Member
Hey everybody, I have a WW plant thats 6 days away from finishing its 8 weeks but I have about 70% red hairs. The only problem is that Ive only flushed one time with the AN final phase about 4 days many times do you absolutely need to flush before harvesting??


Well-Known Member
hey smoke um,ive got sum w/w going too.....r u sure they were ready??w/w usually takes 9-10 weeks......are you lookin @ the pistols or the trich's for your's the trich's that will tell ya not the pistols.....when i flush its 1 time 5 days till harvest then no more fluids.......helps start the drying process too......


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the replys..You know on my last grow the WW took about 9 1/2 weeks but idk if the nutes are playing a part this time bc im using AN and they supposedly advertise that it matures your plants faster...last time i used Fox Farm and it took a lil longer to 70% is by the trichs look all pretty much cloudy...hows the bud taste with only one flush?? my last grow I gave them a week and a half worth of flushing which would be about three times...i wasnt sure if one flush would still lget rid the chemy taste


Well-Known Member
sounds nice smoke'em........i have 22 ww going right now and 2 ak's,there 18 days in........on flushing,i thought the taste was pretty smooth w/ only 1 flush.if u do more let me know how ur fruit turns out......peace


Well-Known Member
kewl with me lilvicious im going to flush one more time then harvest a couple days after and see how it is...i rememeber what the last buds smoked like so if i dont taste a difference then ill know 3 flushs is to much and itll def. shorten my harvest time...its fun to get buds sooner than expected lol