Minimum wage in mathematical terms

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What's with the massive amounts of hypocrisy coming from your posts?

Once I made a comment about right wingers not letting the truth get in the way of a good story and you jumped all over it. Why is everything a right or left with me, blah, blah, blah? Yet all you do is incessantly post about progressives vs. conservatives.

Now you have the audacity to talk about how people are wasting time on the internet complaining when they could be out there making a difference. Yet you spend an inordinate amount of time sniveling about all the shit progressives do that you don't like.

Why not listen to your own nonsense? If you are so absurdly successful, how fucking sad is it that this is the only thing that you can think of to do with your time?

Wow, butt hurt city, the truth stings a bit I see.

There is not a single iota of hypocrisy coming from me, amigo. You never see me complaining about wanting someone else to help support me or my family, never.

Here is what you can't wrap your progressive (feel sorry for me) head around.
You people are always whining about, promoting or lobbying for someone else to take care of all your problems.
To do this, you directly burden the people who take care of themselves, you want more and more money (taxes) from people like me because of your own shortfalls. You are born with the same rights and opportunities that I am, nothing was given to me, my friend.
Now, you show me an example of where I want to take something from you.
Do I get an hourly rate increase equal to theirs? I mean hell, my skill set is of much more value than flipping burgers.

Hope so. I'll be making more than 60 bucks an hour!

I think my uncle contracts for $480 an hour. I know he turned down a $160 an hour raise because he didn't want to work for that company.

I suppose he will have to raise his rates to $1500 an hour.
It couldn't be the fact that we produce nothing that anybody else wants. sorry if the comment before came off harsh? it wasn't supposed to.

Yes, this is part of the problem. But the reason this happened is the monetary system and the control exerted by those with money fraudulently created from it.
I was thinking the same. My best guess is somewhere between 25 and 35, and lives in mother's or aunt's basement. And is forced to mow the lawn every two weeks.

I've kept the argument on the issues, never got personal.
You and AC sound like frustrated little 12 year olds.
The truth is, even if I proved my net worth to you losers, you change your attacks to me being a greedy conservative.
grow the fuck up.
Interestingly enough, The Center for Economic and Policy Research, have recently come out with a study showing that keeping with worker productivity, inflation and dollar value as key variables, minimum wage should be roughly $21 an hour. But more importantly, since 2009, the last time we increased minimum wages, worker productivity has increased by more than 150% while wages, only recognized in 31 states, has remained stagnant. Are you saying people should work harder and not be compensated for it? And further, the CEO's, you think are the job creators, should be given even bigger raises and bonuses?

You give an opinion from a far left progressive think tank!
Did the big words fool you? LOL
I went to that website and there was a picture of a bunch of ugly people, I can only presume it must be democrats and progressives.

I can't find a right wing source which even acknowledges the existence of homeless people without turning it into a rant about immigration.
We hear this same argument from every generation, my grandfather heard it from my father, my father heard it from me and I heard it from my son, until he graduated and got an excellent job.

Seattle and Boston – October 24, 2013 - PayScale, Inc., the world’s leading provider of on-demand compensation data and software, and Millennial Branding, a Gen Y research and management consulting company, today announced a comprehensive study comparing career trends amongst Baby Boomer (1946-1964), Gen X (1965-81) and Gen Y/Millenials (1982-2002) workers.

The 2013 study highlights both changing demographics in the United States, as well as the impact of the economic downturn of 2008 and the sluggish recovery the country has experienced. Boomers are still in top positions and may be delaying retirement due to the economy, preventing younger generations from moving into management roles. The percentage of Gen Y workers managing people declined from 15 percent in 2012 to 12 percent in 2013. Furthermore, due to the economic collapse, Millennials are starting their professional lives later than previous generations and many are unemployed or underemployed right now.

“The economy has delayed their careers and their personal independence and forced them to work harder than previous generations just to catch up,” said Dan Schawbel, Founder of Millennial Branding and New York Times best-selling author of Promote Yourself. “They are taking on multiple jobs to pay back student loans and are being forced to create their own careers instead of relying on companies to do it for them.

Highlights from the report include:

1. Millennials are most likely to have had to move back home with their parents due to financial hardship after starting their careers (28 percent) compared to Gen X (11 percent) or Baby Boomers (5 percent).

2. More Baby Boomers (9 percent) wish they could change their boss (out of all the possible changes to their work situation) than Gen Y (6 percent) or Gen X (7 percent).

3. Baby Boomers are most likely to have the highest-paying jobs, including Chief Medical Officer (CMO) ($300,700), Psychiatrist ($215,200), and Aerospace Engineer ($122,800).

4. Gen X (7 percent) is more likely to have the option to work from home than Gen Y (5 percent) or Baby Boomers (5 percent).

5. Gen Y workers are more likely to work at small firms (<100 employees) than both Gen X or Baby Boomers (56 percent vs. 48 percent vs. 50 percent, respectively)

6. Gen Y reports the lowest levels of Job Satisfaction and Job Meaning, even though they also report the lowest levels of Job Stress.

7. After controlling for all other factors, there is only a 2-3 percent difference between male and female pay across all three generations, and that difference is the smallest for Gen Y.

“Similar to other studies, our research reinforces that the sluggish and uncertain economy has made a significant impact on the perspectives and experiences of not only Generation Y, but also Generation X and Baby Boomers,” said Katie Bardaro, lead economist for PayScale. “It is also important to note the complexities that each generation possesses based upon so many economic, cultural, and sociological conditions and issues.”

Since graduating from an Ivy League university in 2007, Amanda, a 26-year old New Yorker who asked to have her last name withheld, has struggled to find a good job. In the spring of 2010 after moving back from San Francisco, she went on several job interviews a week, trying to find work in non-profit education, her preferred field. When that didn’t pan out, she interviewed for numerous entry-level positions ranging from paralegal to administrative assistant. With still no luck in the job market, she decided to go back to school to get a graduate degree in education.

Some of the issues that she believes stood in her way were the harsh economic climate and the baby boomer managers who interviewed her.

“A large majority of my interviewers were baby boomers well into their careers, some at the edge of retirement,” says Amanda. “Many of the interviewers did not understand my windy path through employment, which is, of course, a characteristic of my generation. They didn’t understand I wasn’t looking for one job for the rest of my life and that I wasn’t looking for money and status.”

This 26-year old isn’t alone. Feelings of desperation and even anger among the millennial generation (those born between 1981 and 2000) towards their baby boomer (those born between 1945 and 1964) managers are common among young job seekers according to experts. The recession has put a damper on their career goals—55.3 percent of those 16-29 were employed in 2010, down from 67.3 percent in 2000, and 5.9 million Americans between 25 and 34 lived with their parents, up from 4.7 million before the recession, according to recent census data.

At the same time, statistics show that baby boomers are delaying retirement. A 2010 study by the Carsey Institute at the University of New Hampshire found that while 17 percent of men and 9 percent of women age 65 and over were in the labor force in 1995, by 2009, 22 percent of men and 13 percent of women were still working. Those numbers are expected to grow. According to data from The Population Reference Bureau, the number of older workers in the next few years will increase by 11.9 million, meaning nearly 25 percent of employees will be seniors by 2016. This backlog of older workers has heightened potential workplace conflict between the generations.

Generational conflicts have always been present in the office, but experts say baby boomers and Generation Y in particular have characteristics that can clash. Shantay Bolton, an organizational consultant in Huntsville, Alabama, says that Gen Y tends to have a different set of work-life values than boomers. While boomers tend to be work-obsessed, millennials are demanding flexible schedules that allow them to pursue an active life away from the office. Boomers tend to like autonomy, while millennials want more direction and enjoy collaboration. Bolton says that GenY perceive boomers as “micromanagers” perhaps because boomers tend be competitive, logical, and efficient. She acknowledges that many younger generation workers are frustrated by the poor job market and worry that boomers who delay retirement are making the situation worse.

“I am hearing younger people say that baby boomers are not retiring as quickly as we’d like them to,” Bolton says. “They find that there are barriers to careers advancement, a millennial glass ceiling. Graduates feel a desperation about the limited amount of jobs, paying back student loans, and wondering how they can save for retirement.”

Almost 25 percent of HR professionals reported some generational conflict in the workplace according to a 2011 poll by the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM). Forty-seven percent of younger workers complained that older managers were resistant to change and had a tendency to micromanage. About 33 percent of older respondents griped that younger workers informality, need for supervision, and lack of respect for authority were problematic.

Then there’s the technology issue: The SHRM survey found that 38 percent of older workers raised concerns about younger employees “inappropriate use or excessive reliance on technology.” 31 percent of younger workers responded that their managers had an “aversion to technology.”

“I’ve had issue where older managers do not like when younger people have cell phones on their desks because they don’t understand the sense of urgency younger people have with staying connected,” says a 23-year old Chicago resident who is currently looking for work and didn’t’ want to offend potential employers.

Megan Hadden, 25, has been facing an uphill battle to find and hold on to a job in her small town of Olean, New York. Hadden dropped out of college in 2008 for financial reasons, and since then has had a series of low-paying jobs in the fast food and call center industries. She was fired from a call center job last June and is now looking for entry-level work as an assistant or receptionist. Hadden says she has witnessed generational conflict in nearly every job she’s had. She sees boomers reluctance to retire as an additional roadblock for young workers.

“It makes it harder for younger people to get promoted,” she says. “It also makes it harder to get jobs. Very few places accept a trainee, when they already have people who know how to do the job, and do it well.”

Trudy Steinfeld, the executive director of New York University Wasserman Center for Career Development, presents a brighter picture for Gen Y graduates. She says despite the economy and generational conflict, millennials are succeeding in the workplace and shedding many of the negative perceptions about them as too dependent on technology, spoiled, and inattentive.

The recession has provided a reality check to change those perceptions.

Steinfeld says millennials add value to workplaces because they are great at multitasking and willing to make themselves available both after hours and on weekends. They’re tech savvy, adept with social media, and willing to speak their minds. Though even with the tough job market, many are still willing to leave an organization if they’re unhappy—or unable to get what they want, says Steinfeld.

“It’s vital that baby boomers extend an olive branch to Gen Y,” says Meagan Johnson, co-founder of the Johnson Training Group, which specializes in generational conflict at the office. “Gen Y is not working as a mission, they want a connection to a cause.”
I've kept the argument on the issues, never got personal.
You and AC sound like frustrated little 12 year olds.
The truth is, even if I proved my net worth to you losers, you change your attacks to me being a greedy conservative.
grow the fuck up.

You give an opinion from a far left progressive think tank!
Did the big words fool you? LOL

would you look at that? i mean would you just look at it?
You give an opinion from a far left progressive think tank!
Did the big words fool you? LOL

Phew, for a moment there I was thinking you would actually attempt to rebut my argument with something based in fact. Oh well. Maybe next time.
From 2007-2009, minimum wages went up 24%, from $5.85-$7.25, much faster than the inflation rate.
Nowhere on the poverty level chart can we see a drop in poverty. In fact, starting in 2007, which coincides with minimum wage increases, the poverty level rises drastically.

Anyone care to explain this?

there was a massive recession at the same time.

you are fucking hopeless.
I didn't ask you if you already have. I didn't ask you if you're beyond that. So again, for the third time I ask the exact same question; Would you take a full time job (40+ hours/week) if it didn't pay you enough to pay for your food, rent, and clothes? If you wouldn't, why would you expect someone else to?
What part of "I already have" do you not understand?
What part of "I already have" do you not understand?

Would. You. Take. A. Full. Time. Job. If. It. Didn't. Pay. For. Your. Food. Rent. And. Clothes?


Do you understand english?
would you look at that? i mean would you just look at it?

Your a dishonest person see4, you started the personal insults and the posts are proof.
I kept the argument about the issues, you're frustration gets the best of you all the time.
You will undoubtedly say "yes, I would", in more abrasive terms. Getting past that.. Why do you feel it is a better solution for the average worker to take on more work (jobs), than for the average employer to pay a reasonable working wage (above the poverty line so the worker doesn't require government assistance)?
Your a dishonest person see4, you started the personal insults and the posts are proof.
I kept the argument about the issues, you're frustration gets the best of you all the time.

Except you said you don't resort to personal attacks, then in the very next post, you resorted to a personal attack
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