Minimum wage in mathematical terms

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Why don't lefties just go out and start some businesses and create jobs, then pay the employees a living wage?
Problem solved.

Boycott List: AARP – Interest Group (Supporter of obamacare despite member-majority opposition, supporter of Planned Parenthood) – Retailer (Founder/CEO donated $2.5 million to same-sex marriage campaign in WA)
American Apparel – Clothing (100% political contributions to democrats, ads featuring porn stars, Gay Pride parades)
Apple – Electronics (98% political contributions to democrats)
Barnes & Noble – Retailer (98% political contributions to democrats)
Bed, Bath & Beyond - Retailer (97% political contributions to democrats)
Best Buy – Electronics (Supports the Council of Islamic-American Relations, which supports Hamas & Muslim Brotherhood)
Ben & Jerry’s – Ice Cream (100% political contributions to democrats, supporter of many far-left causes; ie: TrueMajority)
Cablevision – Television (96% political contributions to democrats; 2010)
Chrysler – Automobiles (Billions of wasted taxpayer dollars in ”bailout”)
Citgo - Gas (100% owned by Hugo Chavez’s anti-American, socialist, Venezuelan government)
Costco – Retailer (99% political contributions to democrats, Founder/CEA spoke at 2012 Democrat National Convention)
Crate & Barrel – Housewares (83% political contributions to democrats, financial proponent for gay agenda)
Diamond Resorts/DRI – Hospitality (98% political contrib. to dems; 2008, 2012)
Dick's Sporting Goods - (Opponent of second amendment, denying delivery of ordered protected firearms)
Unilever (Dove, Hellman’s, Lipton)
- (93% political contrib. to dems, financial supporter of gay agenda)
E. & J. Gallo Winery – Wine (93% political contrib. to dems, including top contributor to Nancy Pelosi)
Estee Lauder Companies – Beauty (91% political contrib. to dems, financial supporter of gay agenda)
Foot Locker – Athletic Apparel (100% of political contrib. to dems; 2008)
Gain (Procter & Gamble)
– Detergent (Anti-constitution, Christian-hating commentator Wanda Sykes is ad spokesperson)
Gap – Clothing (85% political contrib. to dems; 2012)
General Electric – Conglomerate (owner of far-left msnbc. #1 lobbying co. Supporter of cap & trade and obamacare. CEO/Chairman is close friend of Obama’s and for 3 years in a row has paid $0 in taxes despite billions in profit)
General Motors – Automobiles (Billions of wasted taxpayer dollars in ”bailout")
Goldman Sachs – Investment Bank (Top 2008 contributor to obama. Complicate with dems in 2008 financial crisis)
Hess Corporation - Gas (98% political donations to democrats)
IAC/InterActiveCorp (,,, etc.)
– Internet co. (100% political contrib. to dems; 2012)
JCP/JCPenney – Clothing (financial supporter of gay agenda)
Levi Strauss - Clothing (100% political contrib. to dems; 2008 & 2012)
Komen’s – Breast Cancer Awareness (Donates much of their received contributions to Planned Parenthood)
Netflix – Streaming Media (99% political contrib. to dems; 2008, 2012)
Oreo’s (Kraft Foods)
– Foods (“proud supporter” of gay agenda)
Progressive – Insurance (99% political contrib. to dems; 2008, 2012. Chairman Peter Lewis has donated $15M to the ACLU, $10M to socialist-left political PAC’s & America Coming Together (ACT)
. Financial supporter of gay agenda)
Sonic Corp. – Restaurant (96% political contrib. to dems; 2008, 2012)
Starbucks – Coffee (97% political contrib. to dems; 2008, 2012)
. Financial supporter of abortion pacs and gay agenda)
Starwood (Sheraton, Westin, W, etc)
– Hotels Financial supporter of Planned Parenthood)
Viacom (Comedy Central, MTV, Nickelodeon)
– Entertainment (The entertainment industry is dominated by leftists, but Viacom may be the worst with their constant barrage of far-left television propaganda targeting children.
1. "Why should I have to pay." Yes I did. 2.By the shit you say here.

"You" -> the employer, should have to pay because it's not my responsibility as a tax paying American citizen to pick up the slack that your American worker requires to live (AND WORK) in the United States, that is YOUR responsibility. If you feel otherwise, you are free to pick up shop and move elsewhere. Why do you expect the American taxpayer to pick up YOUR slack to pay YOUR employees enough so they can survive with basic living expenses on American soil?

Because you consistently vote for and demand government entitlement programs?

Again, how would you know what I vote for?
That's just it though, the ones who are gonna make something of themselves will, and the ones who just want more pay will just keep asking for more pay. Not everyone is gonna put the effort in, so most wont get the opportunity.

Unless we are all special snowflakes who all deserve the same things for just showing up.

If I just asked my customers to pay me more, they'd laugh and shop somewhere else. But, we raise our prices all the time because we are constantly improving our customer service skills and our overall trade performance skills which gives incentive to the customer to continue shopping with us.

But an employee can ask for an increase in pay simply because they cant afford life? Who's fault is that? Why does the employer have to continually pay for a person lack of effort and drive?

So a person didn't want to do much in life so they work the fast food window, but for some reason they are entitled to a living wage just for showing up?

The problem could money. Maybe if we had to trade without the use of monies, and people saw the value of the things they created and how LITTLE people were willing to trade in return for this "skill" they think is deserving of a living wage, then maybe they would realize how little their job really is worth.

Takes a few days to teach someone who isn't very competent to smile and take money over a basic register, couple weeks for more advanced setups. Is that worth a living wage?

I wasn't making 15 bucks an hour until about my 4th year of business, and I owned the fucking place since day one. If in the beginning I knew the level of effort it would take to get to where I am now, I'd still be all over it. But so many would look at those long hours and all that hard work that it takes to get there and instead just say fuck it and ask for a raise, instead of looking for an opportunity to better themselves.

or you could pay them more because you just admittedly said they have more skills than what they started with, and you charge your customers extra for that service, why can't your employees have that right to charge you more for those exact same services?
Pay people more and the cost of everything goes up. Minimum wage (being too low or anything else) isn't the problem with the current economic situation.
Pay people more and the cost of everything goes up. Minimum wage (being too low or anything else) isn't the problem with the current economic situation.

Prices of goods go up constantly look at gas! When does it become a problem for you when a majority of the nation cant afford extra things besides the basics. Our economy is based on consumerism, mainly our citizens consuming our goods and other countries goods, what happens when we can no longer consume the things that drive our economy. Debt is not the answer.
that's the idea of it.

i know some people prefer a race to the bottom with bangladeshi kids better, but i am not one of those people.

since when is a 40 hour week just a "small effort", by the way?

If you are flipping burgers, the effort is minimal
Prices of goods go up constantly look at gas! When does it become a problem for you when a majority of the nation cant afford extra things besides the basics. Our economy is based on consumerism, mainly our citizens consuming our goods and other countries goods, what happens when we can no longer consume the things that drive our economy. Debt is not the answer.

What about my post suggests I don't care about the fact that the system is completely corrupt? Nothing, but your emotional response is a gigantic reason we get screwed, lack of thinking is the death of society. I simply understand that the minimum wage is a joke talking point that solves nothing, but does create more inflation (which is actually the main problem in the first place - the effects of a fiat monetary system and crony capitalism are what drives wage inequalities, not an unreasonable minimum wage).

If you put more money into the economy prices of everything goes up. This is how it works. This is what would happen with a minimum wage increase and the net effect would be basically nothing (actually it would create more deposits for bankers to fraudulently lend out and further increase the money supply to the benefit of those who receive it first, which is definitely not those receiving minimum wage).

If you don't understand the problem you really can't have an opinion on it. Unfortunately most folks don't have even a foggy idea of how things actually work.

Would you take a full time job (40+ hours/week) if it didn't pay you enough to pay for your food, rent, and clothes? If you wouldn't, why would you expect someone else to?

At the 35 hours a week at less than 5 dollars an hour I was getting at my first job when I was on my lonesome, I couldn't make it alone, but then again I can't remember where they promised anyone a living wage at minimum wage. So I worked as many as 3 jobs at a time and as much as 80 hour weeks while living with a couple friends in an apartment and splitting rent. Even lived with a guy I found in the paper that had a room for rent. Saved a few hundos, learned a trade in the time I had on the slow weeks, and less than 2 years later I was one to better things with a new business, and haven't punch a clock or received a paycheck since. Of course the work hours the first few years of the business were much more intense because a person is their own worst critic, but when it's your creation, its a labor of love, the hours do not matter, and the money starts to feel like a bonus rather than the goal. You aren't selling your time, you are selling your skills. A fast food worker has zero skills that cannot be taught in a matter of hours/days, and their time isn't worth much, so if they want to survive on just that, then it appears time is the only bartering tool they have until they themselves acquire more tools to make their time of more value. Current standard is to just ask for more, but yet they are still flipping the same damn burgers in the same damn way.
"You" -> the employer, should have to pay because it's not my responsibility as a tax paying American citizen to pick up the slack that your American worker requires to live (AND WORK) in the United States, that is YOUR responsibility. If you feel otherwise, you are free to pick up shop and move elsewhere.

that's their utopia. a race to the bottom.
At the 35 hours a week at less than 5 dollars an hour I was getting at my first job when I was on my lonesome, I couldn't make it alone, but then again I can't remember where they promised anyone a living wage at minimum wage. So I worked as many as 3 jobs at a time and as much as 80 hour weeks while living with a couple friends in an apartment and splitting rent. Even lived with a guy I found in the paper that had a room for rent. Saved a few hundos, learned a trade in the time I had on the slow weeks, and less than 2 years later I was one to better things with a new business, and haven't punch a clock or received a paycheck since. Of course the work hours the first few years of the business were much more intense because a person is their own worst critic, but when it's your creation, its a labor of love, the hours do not matter, and the money starts to feel like a bonus rather than the goal. You aren't selling your time, you are selling your skills. A fast food worker has zero skills that cannot be taught in a matter of hours/days, and their time isn't worth much, so if they want to survive on just that, then it appears time is the only bartering tool they have until they themselves acquire more tools to make their time of more value. Current standard is to just ask for more, but yet they are still flipping the same damn burgers in the same damn way.

it's great that you despise the burger flipper and think he should just bootstrap himself up like you did (don't all the right wingers?), but the point is that you pay either way.

either mcdonald's is gonna pay him a fair wage, or mcdonald's can pay him a shitty wage and you can pay the rest (whether you want to or not) though medicaid, food stamps, heat, and the such.

who do you think should administer that extra little to get mr. burger flipper to bare subsistence, the deified and glorious free market private sector (mcdonald's) or food stamps (goddamn evil government)?

because you're gonna pay one way or the other.
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