Minimum wage in mathematical terms

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So, you're not only admitting you were lying about a family members death. But, that you used that lie to fuck with someone you could not compete with in the POLOTICS SECTION??????? Lawls. That's....sad.....


who in the world would rep someone though? I didn't rep you when your mother died, did buck?
who in the world would rep someone though? I didn't rep you when your mother died, did buck?

If you're trying to play "Who is the bigger person" with me......try harder skinhead. Uncle Buck flaccid-dong-slapped you (with REP) and it was well deserved. He instinctively knew you were lying. Champ. I offered my condolences when I had heard you had a loss. And, this was despite my feelings about you. What does that make me again? Of the people in this thread, tell me, who here has lied about the death of someone/millions, and who has been just the regular "polotics asshole"? tell me, sweety......
a valiant attempt at changing the subject away from the fact that an ASU dropout is spoon feeding you math that a retarded 8 year old could grasp.

ASU dropouts make less per year, than the annual Californian minimum wage. How many zeros in a million again? :lol:

At least your responses are a touch better then "UN REPORT" :dunce:
ASU dropouts make less per year, than the annual Californian minimum wage. How many zeros in a million again? :lol:

At least your responses are a touch better then "UN REPORT" :dunce:

you running my patience and i'm not above sending someone to your house (to tutor you in grade school math).
you running my patience and i'm not above sending someone to your house (to tutor you in grade school math).

FACT - ASU dropouts make less per year, than the annual Californian minimum wage

feel free to refute it considering the UN hasn't issued a report, as yet

1988 min wage: $3.35
2011 min wage: $7.25

216% upness.

1988 big mac: $2.39
2011 big mac: $3.80

159% upness.

in 1988, one hour of labor at minimum wage would buy you 1.4 big macs.
in 2011, one hour of labor at minimum wage would buy you 1.9 big macs.

i will be demanding some pancakes before we proceed any further.

Size of 1988 Big Mac: 12 OZ
Size of 2013 Big Mac: 8 OZ

And the price of a Big Mac is $4.20 on average.

Making the size 50% smaller, while charging 76% more ( I , unlike bucky actually know how to do percentages)

PS Buck, if you understood percentages, your point would be even better, but since you are a multi demonstrable mathematical dunce it got lost and doesn't look too good.:dunce::dunce: Sorry.
That's the main point I'm having trouble understanding. Minimum wage goes up, so all the prices go up, too? Why?

So does that mean if we lower the minimum wage, prices will fall?

Can someone please explain this for me in the simplest terms possible?

simple, because employees will spend the money therefore, returning it right back to the economy..
Hold on, I didn't say they can't, I said they don't.

The bigger question is why you treat "moonies" different? Are you afraid of them?

I was dick raped by a moonie. Fucking bitch made me look at it. She kept saying, "Would you just look at it!" Freaky bitch.

yes, when the left are losing their arguments, then it's time to start the pissing contest.

once the thread is closed, they can simply start 5 new threads using the same assumptions they used in this one.

We learn from the best Miss KKKynes. We learn from the best..... You should be honored we follow in your footsteps.

So I've seen this thread up for a bit...and been wondering...........
I went around town...went to mcdonalds and they said they made 8.50 an hr. I went to heb and walmart, walmart paid 10 an hr and heb 8.50..went to jiffy lube and they start at 9. Dishwasher at applebees and at a local college made 8.50.....8.50 seems to be the lowest pay I could find and it went on like this with most jobs about 9
I'm not into politics and don't venture round here..have no real opinion on this matter

Just curious as to who actually makes minimum wage?
I know I've never made minimum wage..or anyone I've ever met

I tried Googling what jobs actually pay minimum wage, but wasn't much every job listed as paying minimum wage payed a decent bit more

Even if your premise were true, which it is not, you are missing the point and only making a stronger argument for increasing the minimum wage by a significant amount. I will let you ponder that for a moment, if you haven't already. Not trying to be a dick, but you sound like raising the minimum wage is a bad thing because you are arguing minimum wage "isn't real".

Don't try and change the goalposts now - historically you have not done well with maths;

my wife makes an $18k stipend at her internship and another $25k or so on her investments. throw in the income i report every year and we are at about $50k.

Who gives a fuck about the hourly rate - it's a $7K taxable income and you don't have any skills that would put you in anything other than the limited means category. Fuck bro you got fired from Netflix.

Oh shit, you actually work hard and combined you and your "wife" make $50k a year?? So you are either 24 years old or you are a basic skilled laborer. Right?

That's the long winded, defensive, illiterates way of saying "My annual income is LESS than the ANNUAL Californian minimum wage"

Better fix those spelling mistakes ASU failure and learn to life

Troll counter fail. Better luck next time dick bag.
Oh shit, you actually work hard and combined you and your "wife" make $50k a year?? So you are either 24 years old or you are a basic skilled laborer. Right?

Troll counter fail. Better luck next time dick bag. POONWORM LIKES this

troll fail? you're a dumbass see4 - you are insulting buck you illiterate moron...

my wife makes an $18k stipend at her internship and another $25k or so on her investments. throw in the income i report every year and we are at about $50k.

So you think unclebuck is a 24 year old basic skilled labourer?

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