What? LIBOR rigging was going on for decades, a single medium bank could profit 1 billion by adjusting the rate .25%. 1 bank in 1 year. LIBOR is used on over $380 TRILLION worth of derivatives and other financial instruments. This is not some one time deal for a short period, they were manipulating this for YEARS AND YEARS my uninformed and wholly ignorant associate.
Where are you getting your numbers from? Please show us!
Now tell us, how much revenue is actually generated from that $380 trillion in
face value? Do you not know the difference?
I said there were no indictments, and then you say there were fines and court cases. Maybe, but no indictments were made, any fines were handed out with the banks agreeing to not say they were guilty. Any court cases are civil cases. Once again you prove that not only do you not have one iota of a clue, but that you don't even care to look up anything before spewing your shit allover the place.
No indictments
yet. I literally just said that investigations are ongoing in more than a dozen countries. If investigations are ongoing, how can there be indictments? Do you not understand what an indictment is? That's the only explanation I can think of.
Any other bloviating full of shit ideas you want to push forth?
The only thing more full of shit than you is a thousand head of cattle on a all bran diet.
you know nothing and have the capacity to know even less.
no one has talked about TARP, you have provided NOTHING at ALL ever, you have never provided anything to back up your ridiculous claims. You are a one note song bird that everyone is tired of listening to. Now go back to your little apartment on the third floor and whine and cry about how stupid you are.
Yes we have. I believe it was in the "IMPOSSIBLE" thread, way back. The discussion was abandoned by the person who started it because I provided exactly the information he asked for; he never responded to it. You were posting at the same time and may have even chimed in, so I'll just roll my eyes at this.
You cannot possibly substantiate your claim that the
Fed is keeping TARP a secret or that we have no idea where the money went because it is total bullshit--a pure and vicious lie. If you bothered to read the legislation that created TARP, you would know that.
Here, I'll give you some help: "The purposes of this Act are-- (1) to immediately provide authority and facilities that the
Secretary of the Treasury can use to restore liquidity and stability to the financial system of the United States; and...
PURCHASES OF TROUBLED ASSETS. (a) Offices; Authority.-- (1) Authority.--
The Secretary is authorized to establish the Troubled Asset Relief Program (or ``TARP'')
to purchase, and to make and fund commitments to purchase, troubled assets from any financial institution, on such terms and conditions as are determined by the Secretary, and in accordance with this Act and the policies and procedures developed and published by the Secretary. (2) Commencement of program.--Establishment of the policies and procedures and other similar administrative requirements imposed on the Secretary by this Act are not intended to delay the commencement of the TARP. (3) Establishment of treasury office.-- (A) In general.--
The Secretary shall implement any program under paragraph (1)
through an Office of Financial Stability, established for such purpose within the Office of Domestic Finance of the Department of the Treasury, which office shall be headed by an Assistant Secretary of the Treasury, appointed by the President, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate, except that an interim Assistant Secretary may be appointed by the Secretary."
Here's the last
monthly TARP report issued by the treasury, in June 2013:
http://www.treasury.gov/initiatives...ents/June 2013 Monthly Report to Congress.pdf. You will find complete details on where the money went as well as a list of every bank that still has TARP money outstanding.
Obviously it is your claim that is baseless, and anyone who read your post and reads this one can plainly see that you had no idea what you were talking about.