Miracle Gro potting soil


New Member
To each there own BUT you obviously are an experienced grower. I think what many newbie growers do is use miracle grow and then add nutes on top of that. That is nute overkill for sure. I have never ever seen any nute burn on any of my plants from just MG alone. Perhaps the well water makes all the difference. I really don't know.:peace:

And I'm sorry to you too Lacy but I strongly defend my position. With over 20+ large and small scale grows, using multiple types of store bought and self-mixed soils, I have settled on my own self-mixed soil and haven't had soil problems since. I only stated what I did about MG because of the horrific damage I've seen it do to many many newbie crops.


Active Member
Done and Done! LOL. Thank you! I wont even open it then, and will take it back and get something different. What about schultz potting soil? Is anything going to be ok as long as it doesnt have time release? Thanks again for the help!
I used MG my first grow and it messed my shit up. Now I use Shultz Garden Safe Organic Soil and it is perfect. No bugs, no burn, just vibrant healthy plants. Got it from Lowes.


Well-Known Member
im using mg potting soil . im 1 month into veg and everything is going fine.
i used this dirt outside and it worked great. i use fox farm organic big bloom during flowering and had no burn at all. i found that if you dont water too much and add perlite to the soil it lowers the chance of problems. i think some people have a fertilizer fetish and overfedd too much.


Well-Known Member
OMG......I have been reading so many threads about miracle gro potting soil and I am ready to go nuts! LOL. The answer is never the same.........So what is the final word on Miracle Gro potting soil? Is it OK to use to grow my plants? Or is it 100% bad. I have heard it is bad, but also heard it is fine and you just have to wait to feed any nutes until flowering. Please what does everyone think? Thanks! :)
I think a lot of people like to blame their grows going wrong on something. Why not MG soil. Just don't give it any nutes the first month, and add about 2 parts soil to 1 part perlite and your good to go.


Well-Known Member
I'm finishing up a grow using MG Organic Growers Choice, mixed 50/50 with Fox Farms Happy Frog, threw in a handful of dolomitic lime, bone meal, and blood meal then a small bag or two of perlite. It's true about the fungus gnats; you can count on them but just buy you a No Pest strip do dad and problem solved. I agree tho that the best route would be to just use local fertile soil and add the lime, blood and bone meal and perlite. The fancy stuff has bat poo and worm poo. Is a lil bit of poo worth $25 for about 20 lbs? I don't think so! On my next grow I'll just use straight MGOGC with the kickers.
It is definitely true about fungus gnats in MG organic. Hate those little bastards.


New Member
I agree with the not feeding extra nutes until later BUt also the people that have problems with MG claiming that it gave their plant nute burn isn't because of the soil itself it is because they are NOT watering the soil enough.
Most people water their plants too little too often and when you have potting soil mix like MG you really need to water extremely well otherwise those little nutes might burn the roots. The water dilutes those down so that this isn't a problem.
I think a lot of people like to blame their grows going wrong on something. Why not MG soil. Just don't give it any nutes the first month, and add about 2 parts soil to 1 part perlite and your good to go.


Well-Known Member
I agree with the not feeding extra nutes until later BUt also the people that have problems with MG claiming that it gave their plant nute burn isn't because of the soil itself it is because they are NOT watering the soil enough.
Most people water their plants too little too often and when you have potting soil mix like MG you really need to water extremely well otherwise those little nutes might burn the roots. The water dilutes those down so that this isn't a problem.
I water real good every 3-4 days. After a watering in MG I see outstanding growth spurts.


Active Member
Thanks everyone for the advice. This is what I am going to do, I am going to stick with the MG Potting soil, MG Perlite, & MG sphagnum peat moss. I will mix those 3 and use that. I will pay careful attention to watering, and water real good every 3-4 days. I will not use any fertilizer/nutes of any kind until flowering, and then only as needed.
So I would love to hear what everyone thinks of that plan, and if I should just go for it! Thanks again to everyone, this place is great. It is so wonderful to hear all the different opinions from everyone. :)


Well-Known Member
I was going to post some pictures of first time growers plants getting nute burn from only MG soil alone, no extra nutes added, but I decided just to wish you well on your growing journey.


Well-Known Member
Well I dont know, im using it, and I just posted a little thread with pics of my plant..I havent had one problem yet.


Active Member
I was going to post some pictures of first time growers plants getting nute burn from only MG soil alone, no extra nutes added, but I decided just to wish you well on your growing journey.
Thank you very much for your help! Thanks for wishing me well. I will start a journal so you and everyone else can see how it goes. This is not my first time, I have actually have had multiple indoor and outdoor crops, and have used many different kinds of soil. I have actually used MG grow before, but have been hearing lots of bad things, and good things, so wanted to double check before I used it with the seeds that I just paid alot of money for. So I am sure I will be fine, just a little extra nervous this time, for some reason. LOL. :blsmoke:

Make sure to check my journal, I will try to start it tonight while I am working. :) Happy Growing everyone!


Active Member
I agree with LACY. I think MG is a good soil to use. They have been around a while like she said and they know there stuff.


Vote 4 me 4 Prez in 2012
yep...nute burn with no nutes...thats what I have, but it is minimal. The more you know...


Well-Known Member
Miracle Grow is awesome stuff.

I am growing my Northern Lights in Miracle Grow Potting Soil (pH balance/no time release nutes). They love it.

I mixed 50% MG with 25% vermiculite and 25% pearlite.


Active Member
Miracle Gro Moisture Control

My plants have never shown any signs of overwatering or underwatering... Great and fast growth.. I would say you would be very happy with this soil.... I am so far.


Active Member
I have used MG with good results for white widow. On the other hand I used MG on another strain (can't think of it) and it burned out bad. Maybe it depends on the strain.


Active Member
I have used MG with good results for white widow. On the other hand I used MG on another strain (can't think of it) and it burned out bad. Maybe it depends on the strain.
I am going to be using it with Millennium Bud, I got the seeds from Dr. Greenthumb. So I will let you know how this strain does with it. :) Anyone ever try Millennium before? Thx


Active Member
I just received my Northern Lights seeds. What's the best way to start germinating (paper towel of Jiffy 7)? than what should I do? This is my first time. Please forgive my ignorance.


Active Member
I just received my Northern Lights seeds. What's the best way to start germinating (paper towel of Jiffy 7)? than what should I do? This is my first time. Please forgive my ignorance.
I've got seeds from a friend called mango and I used the water in a shot glass method with tap root showing less then 12 hours


Active Member
I've had an interesting experience so far with MG.

To date if potted around 30 seedlings into MG potting mix, the 3 month time release stuff.

The first 4 plants i potted are thriving,
an example being this picture of alyssa "knocks on wood" at 20 days from the time the seed first met water. This went straight into, and was transplanted into, the MG mix.

Granted these plants all underwent a much regreted watering lapse, and due to the small pot size at the time, this produce what i now believe was massive nute burn, to the point some dropped many leaves, and some just curled the leaves like this.
These plants are about a week younger than alyssa

I think it depends alot on the plants genetic strength and ability to stay strong with lots of nutes present early. Also i disagree with the idea that time release nutes would burn the roots worse with a lack of water than with overwatering. I base this opinion of the idea that the time release agent is water soluble. If not then im wrong, but if it is water soluable, wouldn't more water just unleash more nutes?
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