Miracle Gro Taste


Well-Known Member
Sarcasm, yes.

Sadly, sarcasm has its power because of an element of truth. Sun grown pot is now actually less desirable than something labled "hydro" at dispensaries. I mean, seriously?


Well-Known Member
Depends on genetics. Some say indoor is stronger, from experience with my grows indoor is stronger and easier for ME. Outdoor is equally just as awesome though, you got respect the outdoor for being what it is, sometimes quantity is better the quality, especially whenyour making hash... :weed:
How does THC content compare between outdoor and hydro within the same strain?


Well-Known Member
I use miracle grow bone and blood meal, perfectly happy with them. Not all mg products are crap. However I won't use their blue powder ferts.


Well-Known Member
Well I was mainly referring to the blue powder nutes. Those are the only Miracle Gro products that I am personally familiar with


Well-Known Member
I have some extra clones. They are between 2 and 5+ feet. I'm thinking of giving them a good dose of the MGBB weekly in the soil as a test. I was going to start this morning but I forgot the MGBB when I went to water :P


Well-Known Member
I have some extra clones. They are between 2 and 5+ feet. I'm thinking of giving them a good dose of the MGBB weekly in the soil as a test. I was going to start this morning but I forgot the MGBB when I went to water :P

You take some massive cutting's,lol.


Active Member
This is why I believe in feeding the soil and not the plant just like mother nature does. Noone can argue that it's bad for the plant.
I have never used mg nor do I ever plan on it. I think my patients would mutiny.


Well-Known Member
You take some massive cutting's,lol.
Well, they were about 3-6 inches when I took them back in May. It was my first attempt at cloning and 10 of the 12 that rooted survived the transplant. You can imagine what monsters the moms are :weed:


Active Member
So I believe that after using MG fertilizer you can taste it in the bud. My first two grows were done with MG and the taste was horrible. I didnt have enough to last me a month so it was smoked before it had time to cure completely but it still tasted bad. Does anyone agree that MG makes bud taste the trash? I read something about it having metal in the fert and those metals get stored in the plant matter? Who here uses Miracle Gro and gets great tasting bud? And if you can accomplish this how do you do it?
My cousin has been growing for years and swears by MG. I've smoked plenty of the buds that he's harvested with it, and I have to say, it tastes pretty damn good. And we vape, and no trace tastes. I believe it's all in the flushing. He flushes the last 2 weeks and then lets the soil get dry before he cuts them down. Never had a foul taste in the years I've been buying from him. But that's just my experience. I'm using MG right now myself, as a matter of fact.


Active Member
You can't really flush MG soil because the soil contains slow release nutrients, so when you pump water through it, its designed to break down to release more nutes.

That said, not all MG products are equal, my base medium is the 'expand n' gro' range which contains slow release nutes. I've been paranoid about this issue too, currently fast-drying a small sample cutting (near harvest time) and hope it will give me an idea. I know many use their potting soil, or supplement with the MG diluted feeds when watering etc. Whereas a mainly organic based medium (which the expand n' gro is mainly made up of), my hope is it won't be an issue. Will offer feedback on that, as I don't know anyone else who is using the expand n' gro (peat free) as a base.
I'm actually using Scott's potting soil with slow release soil nutes. Is that the same as MG's? It's not all Scott's though, because I had a bunch of peat pellets and MG Organic mix that I put in there. Will that make a difference?


Ursus marijanus
The slow-release nutes are not your friend. They'll be supplying urea nitrogen throughout the grow. More at first, of course, but those nute nuggets don't get exhausted all at once. In either sense - suddenly or simultaneously. cn

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
i think MG is good for veggy gardens with peppers and tomatos and stuff like that because thats what is made for...not weed. MG is used on things we consume..things that pass through livers, kidneys ect..i dont think it was ever intended to be inhaled. there are hundreds of nute brands that are specially made for weed, so why not get the right stuff that goes to the right product? it would be like adding 2 tablespoons of salt to ur bowl of corn flakes because ur out of suger. ya sure, it looks almost the same, has the same consistacy and they are both a type of spice...but only one will tase good because it has the right ingredient in it. MG belongs in the garden..not the grow room
????? This made absolutely no sense. Look at what they put in cigarrettes...Do you think they give a shit if anything is OK to be inhaled? MJ is a fertilizer, nothing more. It's all about how much you feed the plant.
Nutes especially formulated for weed? REALLY? Are there Corn specific ferts? Ferts scientifically designed for Brussel Sprouts? The power of the marketing guys is huge indeed.
We disagree. I am not denying that urea is a very popular and successful plant N source. but for weed, what I've said still applies.

I don't and didn't flush; I consider it a superstitious practice. However I don't feed ammoniac or urea nitrogen to them, either. cn
The fertilzer industry switched to ammoniac nitrogen in order to avoid government regulation for explosive materials. Ammonium Nitrate was the nitrogen source of choice for decades. Its a powerful oxidizer and the key ingredient to ANFO. How many of you all remember soaking Gramps AN bags in deisel and blowing stumps out of the ground?

MJ is a weed. A weed is a plant that has adapted itself to grow in less than desirable conditions. It doesnt NEED to be tended. It's nutritional requirements are way less than the needs of a domesticated crop. I believe that this is why most newbs decimate thier first couple grows. Overfeeding.

ifyou take a lot of stock in what you read on these forums, and flushing seems to be a huge subject, you can obsses over the taste, and you can convince yourself of anything. When was the last time you ate corn on the cob and noticed that tasted like crap because it wasn't flushed properly?


Ursus marijanus
????? This made absolutely no sense

The fertilzer industry switched to ammoniac nitrogen in order to avoid government regulation for explosive materials. Ammonium Nitrate was the nitrogen source of choice for decades. Its a powerful oxidizer and the key ingredient to ANFO. How many of you all remember soaking Gramps AN bags in deisel and blowing stumps out of the ground?
I grew up in the suburbs. I never had that experience. But I did percussively liberate a stump or two from its roots ... details compartmented, lol.

Nitrates can still be had. Calcium nitrate (as formulated) still contains a bit of ammoniacal N (straight calcium nitrate would liquefy in even moderate humidity) but is a nonexplosive source of agricultural nitrate. AN is king of N in bags in terms of price and quality. Anhydrous ammonia was another cheap way to pump N into soil, but the tweakers ruined that for us. cn
My current grow is almost 100% of mg products and I'm just days/weeks away from harvest. After curing I'll be be sure to let you know if it smokes shitty. I'm currently flushing the soil.

george xxx

Active Member
MJ is a weed. A weed is a plant that has adapted itself to grow in less than desirable conditions. It doesnt NEED to be tended. It's nutritional requirements are way less than the needs of a domesticated crop. I believe that this is why most newbs decimate thier first couple grows. Overfeeding.

ifyou take a lot of stock in what you read on these forums, and flushing seems to be a huge subject, you can obsses over the taste, and you can convince yourself of anything. When was the last time you ate corn on the cob and noticed that tasted like crap because it wasn't flushed properly?
:leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf::leaf: Drown in ferts, make it grow bigger, make it grow faster, "man look at the size of these nugs" pissed on to improve flavor :weed::weed::weed::weed::weed::weed: forgot to flush tastes like chit:rolleyes:

I somehow doubt 75% of these people will believe you. The man at the hydro store knows best:dunce:


New Member
In fact for the longer term storage I'm considering drying, curing (few weeks to a month), then using a household vacuum bagger designed for food. It'll suck all the air out (which is the catalyst for spoiling/mould etc), then the bud should last, pretty much as long as needed if stored in a cool dark place etc.
I dunno about that, but most people store cigars in humidors or they just dry out and crumble over time.


Active Member
Eat a pinch of Table salt. Then flush your mouth. Eat a pinch of Kosher salt. You can taste of Iodine like no tomorrow. Its the same with your bud. MG is made from salts and other crap. However with good flushing and stop using it during budding it shall remove most if not all. I guess dont forget a slow dry and cure. But once salt is in the bud it will never leave.