Miracle grow hydroponics


Active Member
I am new to hydro more or less. Ive read a good bit on it from time to time. Ive always been a soil hippybongsmilie
Anyway i was doing some reading on other gardening sites, ones not intended for marijuana. I ran across some DIY hydro setup. Nothing new just diffrent instructions. I have read on a couple diffrent sites peopl use miracle grow as a nutrient solution. bThey use 1 teaspoon of MG and 1/4 teaspoon of epsom salt to the gallon.

Has anyone seen or done this themselves? The plants they showed looked very good from leaf lettuce to peppers. Another guy stated he used petersons fert straight it was 20-20-20 and it saide he had fantastic results. Others claim to use the MG, epsom salt, as well as 1/4 tsp. calcium nitrate. One other site said to use the epsom, calcium nitrate and mg for tomatoes.

Whats your take on this? Id really like some good info or opinions. I know 95% of you will say never use MG. Why is that? I find most of these people who gro MJ just like to regurgate shit they read on another site. Im seriously considering just setting up a Small DWC in my room and use the MG with the epsom salt . I use this stuff call expert bloom, it is very high in P and i think ill use it for the bloom stage with the epsom salt.

I have used mg and similar products in soil grows both indoor and out. I never ran into the troubles most state they have with mg. They taste of my bud was always smooth and fruity. The plants were always very vigourous and produced well.

Where can i buy small quanities of calcium nitrate? Is there a common product that it is in or something? Is it salt peter???

I hope ther can be some good info and discussion thrown around on this thread about it. Imnew to the site and the net really so i might have missed something in here. I know many old school growers used mg and the like and is it just a matter of knowing how to use it correctly. I think less is more kind of thing. Maybe if i do a single plant in mg hydro i should do a diary? Never done that b4 either
Thanks in advance.
Stay high!