Miracle Grow Love It Or Hate It?


Well-Known Member
ive used only mg moisture control and potting soil and had great results and didn't worry bout ph on none of my grows. now im trying all organic and gonna use mg organic and do my on mix. to many people hate on mg and have never tried it themselves just jumping on the bandwagon. well where im at fox farms is like 40$ a bag. fuck that shit
well where im at fox farms is like 40$ a bag. fuck that shit
$40/ bag !!! That would be hard to swallow. But when you add the cost of nutes over time it could come close to that still.
My guess is that the soil in the MG bag costs about $.85 - $1.00 and the rest is packaging, shipping , etc. FFOG is somewhere in the $3 - $5 range with the rest packaging and shipping. Mostly shipping. Not that it means a damn thing to anyone.

average grow

Active Member
$40/ bag !!! That would be hard to swallow. But when you add the cost of nutes over time it could come close to that still.
My guess is that the soil in the MG bag costs about $.85 - $1.00 and the rest is packaging, shipping , etc. FFOG is somewhere in the $3 - $5 range with the rest packaging and shipping. Mostly shipping. Not that it means a damn thing to anyone.
A higher price doesn't affect quality. Your "geuss" is most likely very off.
I'm not basing my guess on the price of the product, but rather on the ingredients. FFOG sells for around $10/bag here so it could be on the cheaper end of the range for the material cost. Like I said, just a guess. An educated guess though.


Well-Known Member
Considering how many 3gal pots I have, I would need to take a bank loan out to fill them all with FF. I don't skimp after my initial veg period. It's peat, perlite, worm castings, composted manure a little lime and some Epsom salts. I make it and it doesn't break the bank


Active Member
Mg can be good for some people and bad for others..... Depends what kinda grow you want to do.... Like say you want to do 12/12 from seed and you use MG soil you will not be able to use your flower ferts until all the ferts in the mg soil are gone and if you do you will prob burn the shit out of your plant... so i would basically say it all depends on how long you plan on VEGGIN YOUR PLANT.. Another thing is if you use MG soil and have to flush you are opening the time released nutes to the plant.... you just need to know what you are doing with MG soil that is my opinion and that is from learning from my own mistakes... its all in how you use what you got so i'd say me n MG have a love hate relationship... Sounds like my Girl Friend hahahah
I understand why people don't like the soils miracle grow has that have time released nutrients (the reason why people give MG a bad name). But they have many different kinds of water soluble nutrients that have exactly what you want. I'm a big fan of Mg's Tomato nutrients and bloom boost. Which they have all the main nutrients you need and all the macro nutrients too. And being completely water soluble you have no "time release" problem. I think people give it a bad name because of the soils and nutrients they have that are in solid "time release" form causing nutrient burn from over feeding. But they have all kinds of water soluble nutrients in different amounts of N-P-K to suit your needs that have the same percentages as some expensive brands. I know some will disagree but personally I think MG gets a bad rap and it does work great if you stay away from anything time released and use it properly and sparingly.
Oh and the big problem that people have with MG is they read the back of the box and not the inside. So they use 1 tablespoon per gallon which is for outdoor plants in the ground. On the inside of the box and bag it says to use .5 teaspoon per 2 quarts (half gallon) for indoor potted plants!


Well-Known Member
I'm bringing this thread up from the dead. Now I'm using MG nutes and I'm very pleased with the results. And HG Magic Green foliar spray. I still make my own soil mix but mixed more Blood Meal this time around.


Well-Known Member
I'm bringing this thread up from the dead. Now I'm using MG nutes and I'm very pleased with the results. And HG Magic Green foliar spray. I still make my own soil mix but mixed more Blood Meal this time around.
as far as i'm concerned miracle gro nutrients are just as good as any of the other fertilizers out there and when it's $6 a box it puts it far ahead of the others.


Well-Known Member
I try to read my plants as UB used to say. They seem to like what I'm doing by pushing out green healthy fan leaves and that process is what leads to fatter buds.


Well-Known Member
I think alot of people hate the time released nutrient mg,because when they add there nutrients they get nutrient burn.The organic one should work great.


Well-Known Member
I think alot of people hate the time released nutrient mg,because when they add there nutrients they get nutrient burn.The organic one should work great.

i use their potting soil mix with the time release nutes and you can't add any nutrients to the water until the plants start needing it. like danny said above, learn to read your plants and it will get you far.


Well-Known Member
Ok so recently I put my foot in my mouth and bashed MG.
Because every friggin body has problems with it. That's why.
Except I grew from seed....wait...I don't like that color...
About fifteen seeds in nothing but Miracle Grow Organic Choice.
And they turned out like this...
View attachment 1649815
So for the record I like the results. IDK why ppl have probs with it.
mb they add more fertilizer and burn the shit out of everything.
Impatience gets you crappy weed. It aint the soils fault.

*i also use to be a MG hater.. im sorry MG :) ..everyone trash talks bout' MG, instead; they should be blaming themselves cause' they suck at growing..



Legal Moderator, Esq.
*i also use to be a MG hater.. im sorry MG :) ..everyone trash talks bout' MG, instead; they should be blaming themselves cause' they suck at growing..

This is why I wrote the guide in my sig and purposely used MG for soil and nutes, although I could have used any pre-nuted soil. Not to mention big props to MG for experimenting in soil especially made for MMJ, actually coming out and saying that so many states offering MMJ, they think there would be a market for it. First major company I've heard of that's doing so other than some of the pharma's. I doubt many stores would carry it in any states where it's not legal, but there's always amazon. How many people would change their tune if they could get their hands on Miracle Gro Marijuana Organic Growth soil.

The Weedster

Active Member
Im using MG Water Soluble 20/20/20 in reg. old potting mix from dollar general... From start to finish just to see what happens.... As a first time grower of this miracle weed Im hoping it goes well... Here is a pic of my budding so far...



Sector 5 Moderator
There is a lot more pot grown with MG than with A.N. Can you imagine if A.N. marketed MG?? They would be claiming 10 lb tomatoes and 20 lb cucumbers, but it would come in 30 different packages and cost over $1,000.

Total Head

Well-Known Member
Oh for the record...I don't grow from start to finish in MG
Once veg is complete I make my own as follows:
Two parts peat moss, moistened
1/2 part perlite
One part composted cow manure
One part worm castings
One cup dolomite lime
One cup Epsom Salts
I use Boost, Bloom, Cal/Mag, B1, Awsome Blossoms and Sugar Daddy, all at manufacturer's directed rates except Sugar Daddy,
Which I use at an aggressive rate.
love that mix. it's almost identical to my outdoor veggie mix, minus the epsom salts. i would use it indoors but i don't have the space for all that stuff. i used chickety doo doo and ff peace of mind all purpose as my only ferts. it's the ultimate growing medium if you ask me.