Miracle Grow Moisture Control soil?? (Autoflower)


Active Member
Ok, Im going to do a pc stealth grow. My strain is Short stuff's Auto Blue Himalaya. (NOT THE DIESEL ONE)

Look at this thread


I am planing to do exactly what that guy did, He did a micro grow with cfls exactly how I'm going to do.

He used the Miracle Grow Moisture Control soil, and used NO other nutes from start to finish. This is great for me, I am going to buy this soil. My question is, how the hell am I going to flush if the soil already has ferts in it?? I don't want to smoke chemical weed.

The soil has enough nutes to last 3 months I heard.. and the strain is a 60-70 day grow so thats less then 3 months. So will I be smoking harmful weed? :sad:

How would I go about flushing if the soil has ferts inside of it?? I'm REALLY confused, I tried asking the OP in the thread which I linked but he hasen't responded.


Conclusion - How do I flush Miracle Grow Moisture Control soil, if it has nutes inside it, and is supposed to last 3 months feeding a plant when my plant will finish in 70 days.


I really hope I get some replies as I'm starting my grow in a couple of days!


New Member
you can flush out the nutes still. Just run it under water for a long time. Some people don't even flush the weed, they claim that you don't do that for tomatos or any other plant. Which is true, I'm growing tomatoes in DWC right now and they taste perfect with no flushing, nutes right to the end.


Well-Known Member
i no this thread is old nut im using this soil and also have 1 blue himalaya auto on the go nd any info would be great!!


Well-Known Member
I never flushed a tomato plant to get all the chems out before I ate it.
The plant converts the nutes, just dont overdo it. Be real careful adding nutes at the end, Dont hit it with 3- 49- 6. If leaves yellow near the end feed it some 20-20-20 for a little boost and dont worry about flushing


Well-Known Member
lol I read your post after I posted about my dam tomatos.
you can flush out the nutes still. Just run it under water for a long time. Some people don't even flush the weed, they claim that you don't do that for tomatos or any other plant. Which is true, I'm growing tomatoes in DWC right now and they taste perfect with no flushing, nutes right to the end.


New Member
Ok, Im going to do a pc stealth grow. My strain is Short stuff's Auto Blue Himalaya. (NOT THE DIESEL ONE)

Look at this thread


I am planing to do exactly what that guy did, He did a micro grow with cfls exactly how I'm going to do.

He used the Miracle Grow Moisture Control soil, and used NO other nutes from start to finish. This is great for me, I am going to buy this soil. My question is, how the hell am I going to flush if the soil already has ferts in it?? I don't want to smoke chemical weed.

The soil has enough nutes to last 3 months I heard.. and the strain is a 60-70 day grow so thats less then 3 months. So will I be smoking harmful weed? :sad:

How would I go about flushing if the soil has ferts inside of it?? I'm REALLY confused, I tried asking the OP in the thread which I linked but he hasen't responded.


Conclusion - How do I flush Miracle Grow Moisture Control soil, if it has nutes inside it, and is supposed to last 3 months feeding a plant when my plant will finish in 70 days.


I really hope I get some replies as I'm starting my grow in a couple of days!
There’s some thing on Amazon that you can use to flush your plants out, its
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New Member
Ok, Im going to do a pc stealth grow. My strain is Short stuff's Auto Blue Himalaya. (NOT THE DIESEL ONE)

Look at this thread


I am planing to do exactly what that guy did, He did a micro grow with cfls exactly how I'm going to do.

He used the Miracle Grow Moisture Control soil, and used NO other nutes from start to finish. This is great for me, I am going to buy this soil. My question is, how the hell am I going to flush if the soil already has ferts in it?? I don't want to smoke chemical weed.

The soil has enough nutes to last 3 months I heard.. and the strain is a 60-70 day grow so thats less then 3 months. So will I be smoking harmful weed? :sad:

How would I go about flushing if the soil has ferts inside of it?? I'm REALLY confused, I tried asking the OP in the thread which I linked but he hasen't responded.


Conclusion - How do I flush Miracle Grow Moisture Control soil, if it has nutes inside it, and is supposed to last 3 months feeding a plant when my plant will finish in 70 days.


I really hope I get some replies as I'm starting my grow in a couple of days!
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FoxFarm FX14066 1-Quart Bushdoctor Sledgehammer Sledge Hammer
Try this