miracle grow organic potting soil??


Well-Known Member
Is this soil mixed with perlite and vermiculite bad to start it with for your first grow? When can I start using my fox farm nutrients too? I have the three pack.


Active Member

I'd like to see an answer to this too as I just started with this stuff cause it was all I could find.


Well-Known Member
im using mg organic with mg perlite...seems to work.
thats wierd , because im burnin the fuck outta my "power skunk" w this mix , but whatever they were the freebies. and i also tried to transplant a clone (from a successful mother plant ) , in a peat plug to mg , and tortured it for 5 days before pulling it up and removing as much mg as i could safely and replanting it in ff , and i think shes gonna make it . but like i said before mg works for some . not hatin but...for now me and mg are like oil and water .

Sampson jr III

Active Member
thats wierd , because im burnin the fuck outta my "power skunk" w this mix , but whatever they were the freebies. and i also tried to transplant a clone (from a successful mother plant ) , in a peat plug to mg , and tortured it for 5 days before pulling it up and removing as much mg as i could safely and replanting it in ff , and i think shes gonna make it . but like i said before mg works for some . not hatin but...for now me and mg are like oil and water .
lmao.....(choice of words)

yeah...idk.. im on my first grow right now so im no expert, but the mix is workin for me....it didnt burn my plants at all........the growth was slow but i just transplanted my main plant and that thing is doing great now...it was a bit rootbound before so i think that had much to do with the stunted growth....anyway...i would use Fox Farms but idk where to get it without ordering it...as far as i know there is know reallly good plant stores around here.....home depot is plentiful.:leaf:


Active Member
not sure about the Organic MG, but the regular burned my babies up. You should not have ANY slow release nutes in the soil. i learned the hard way - tried to go cheap and easy. i moved them to fox Farms Ocean Forest and they are SOOOOO happy now.


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
when they have established a good root structure give them 1/4 the doseand work up or if you see its not burning up your plants then incress.


Well-Known Member
I have some b-52 clones rooted in there right now. This happens to be a very nute hungry strain that also did well in regular MG. They seem to be doing OK with it. You probably shouldn't add any nutes until you are in aggressive bloom. The time release are supposed to be ok for 2 months, but you'll definitely want to supplement flowering nutes later on.