Miracle grow questions?

Basically i was wondering if people could tell me some information on miracle grow, like how much should i mix with water and also how often should i feed my 3 week old plant etc:shock:


Well-Known Member
There are several types of MG, what are you using? Do you know what's in the bag/box? If not, go to Scotts.com and find out. The all purpose stuff is 24-8-16, be very careful. What type of soil are you using? If you are using MG soil and it says no nutes needed for 60 days, I would listen to them. When you do start, I would go with 1/2 strength or less. Try and be patient, you can always step it up it's harder to undo damage that is already done.


Well-Known Member
i use miracle gro but i dont have the bag in front of me so i cant say what exact one ive got. i put my plants in potting soil for first two weeks from seed then moved them to miracle grow, 65% miracle gro,25% perllite, 10%vermiculite. i water every 3/4 days till it runs off and i vegged for around 5 weeks but only started using any nute (biobizz -biogrow) in the last week and a half. i feed almost every water( now with biobloom and a little gro), although i try to give them one un nuted water every now and then as a partial flush. i started feeding 2ml to each litre first week and went up 1ml after that, take it slow, better waitin another coup[le of weeks to achieve a grow than burning the plant to death in a rush.


Well-Known Member
If you're going to the hydro store you might as well pick up something useful. Not that MG isn't, but it causes nute burn alot.


Active Member
If you have a hydro store around you close you will have a lot better choices than MG.. I think it causes a lot of burn issues..


Well-Known Member
don't let the mg haters scare you, i've grown using both and the only differnce i could tell was a lighter billfold when i left the hydro store.