Miracle Grow Users Are The Dumbest Growers Ever!

My brother still uses MG general purpose and bloom and his girls taste just the same as my outdoor compost grows, but they get taller and yield more lol. It's a big enough difference that I keep thinking I should start using it again lol.
Because at the end of the day MG is just a salt derived feet like any other non organic fert. It's not some wildly different and bad fertilizer like people make it out to be.

I don't use it for my cannabis as I grow hydro, but tbh I do occasionally use MG on my 400 sqft vegetable garden and it works fantastic. I'll use other ammendedments in the spring as well, but I use MG liquid injected through my soaker system if needed and my veggies are just as good or better than everyone else's.

And all those Heavy Metals like mercury and Lead...yummy...

That's not how it works.
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The fact they are there in small doses is enough to put me off Bro, smoking tobacco was advised by a doctor 60 years ago ;-)

Both Pb and Hg are highly immobile elements, along with many other metals. Lead is difficult to move up through the plant and neither will mercury unless deposited on the leaves. Heavy metals are usually more of a concern with edible root crops as they can absorb into the roots, but can't really move from there.

In either case it's more of a concern on a polluted soil that requires remediation, not a box of MG fertilizer.
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Scotts Miracle Grow, Botanicaire, and General Hydroponics are the same company.
Something to keep in mind.
I wouldn't use Miracle Grow because I have plenty of other options available and I grow in coco. If it was all I could get I'd use it. It's better than nothing and I understand that there are people that don't have access to other products. If they grow in Miracle Grow that doesn't make them dumb.
Please Try it ..post back thanks
I never said it would yield great results. In fact I see nothing but problems half way into flower. And I'm definitely not going to try it. I don't even use it for houseplants. I was just thinking about some small towns across America that I've been to where the only thing available is a bag or two of Miracle Grow at the local hardware store. Under those circumstances as a last resort you gotta do what you gotta do. Some weed is better than no weed. If you're able to get decent soil and choose Miracle Grow, well that isn't very smart.

I get spoiled living in a legal recreational state and one of the first medical states. Dozens of grow shops within miles. There are so many dispensaries that some are closing down. $4 a gram weed, etc... I couldn't imagine living where Miracle Grow was all I could get but there are places where that's true. Good luck to those troopers trying to harvest a bag of bud out in those desolate wastelands.
I never said it would yield great results. In fact I see nothing but problems half way into flower. And I'm definitely not going to try it. I don't even use it for houseplants. I was just thinking about some small towns across America that I've been to where the only thing available is a bag or two of Miracle Grow at the local hardware store. Under those circumstances as a last resort you gotta do what you gotta do. Some weed is better than no weed. If you're able to get decent soil and choose Miracle Grow, well that isn't very smart.

I get spoiled living in a legal recreational state and one of the first medical states. Dozens of grow shops within miles. There are so many dispensaries that some are closing down. $4 a gram weed, etc... I couldn't imagine living where Miracle Grow was all I could get but there are places where that's true. Good luck to those troopers trying to harvest a bag of bud out in those desolate wastelands.

Let's not forget that MG makes like 25 different bagged soils, and even the backwoods Walmart will have at least 3-4 varieties including the flower mix or the tomato mix, and the indoor potting mix is mostly peat moss. There's definitely much better alternatives, but it's really not that hard to to buy 2 varieties and make your own mix up and have a successful grow...
I hope using the flash for this picture doesn't cause them to hermi...
It isn't necessarily light leaks that cause herms, but stress. Some plants herm with less stress, i.e. light leaks or a red light on a power strip or perhaps 2 plants in one pot or too much of a particular nutrient. I've had plants that herm with light leaks right next to one's that didn't. I've had plants herm with nutrient mixes that others thrive in, the point is why create extra stress and raise the chance of problems? Just to impress others online? Naw, pass
Please ask the millions of people who have used MG for decades on pretty much every plant imaginable.. post back thanks.

Oh and General Hydroponics, Botanicare, Vermicrop, Earthgro etc.This is 3/10 bait at best.
TLDR..? please explain to the membership why MG is great for other plants but Not Weed..ty

trolling 4 trolling sake promote ur self to T&T but didn't u get booted?
That be the extent of your Horticultural Knowledge..? ..blow me!

glad to see the very few take this site as the Tome of all weed

It's a good thing your posting your extensive knowledge to counter claims instead of just baiting respon.... oh nvm.

TLDR..? please explain to the membership why MG is great for other plants but Not Weed..ty

trolling 4 trolling sake promote ur self to T&T but didn't u get booted?

Do you even read the posts you respond to? I never said its good for other plants but not weed.