miracle grow.


Well-Known Member
i would stay away from any miracle grow soil or fertz. the soil tends to have weeds in it and just isnt quality.just spend the extra bucks and buy some quality organic fertz in your area. and as stated above nothing like this is illegal anywhere. you're growing tomatoes as far as anyone know. but great idea to addd bat guano. good luck CRIPPLED!


Well-Known Member
I didn't think Marijuana was an acid loving plant.

2. The ph should be between 6.5 and 7.5 since marijuana does not do well in acidic soil. High acidity in soil encourages the plant to be predominantly male, an undesirable trait.

entire article here Guide to Growing Marijuana

Do you get a high number of males in your crops?
Many people believe water should never be above 6.5 or below 5.8 ph. That means cannabis is acid loving.


Well-Known Member
i think miracle grow has been working fine for my grow, i just don't use a lot and just recently supplemented it with guano


Well-Known Member
+ i have pre-fertilized soil so its been kind of a guessing game for me

my bad bought the double post, i'm a little add right now


Well-Known Member
I used super thrive last year it's good!But this year i was reading some post on here. Talking about some stuff they had gotten on ebay Blue moutain plant tonic (spt) so I got a bottle it like 9 dollars and now they hav veg&flower nutes now will be getting some later but. There other stuff kicks ass. I put it with bat guano 9-7-3 i think i hav both of them. You might look at them under super plant tonic on ebay very good price good luck wit your grow


Well-Known Member
workin for me, i mean of course there are better ferts out there but as long as used judiciously i think its aiight for now, least till i have my first grow finished.

ditto offitt.


Well-Known Member
i've used it once or twice but why not jsut spend the couple extra dollars in and buy organic fertz. when you buy cheap it hits you hard in the long run


Well-Known Member
just what i had for orchids, didn't feel like spending much more for fertz when i kno this does the trick, got bat guano for flower but my babies are looking wonderful so i'll wait to try something more 'specialized' next go round.


Well-Known Member
you may try a lowes hardware, look for green light super bloom, its like 6 dollars for a bunch and mix 50% of recomended dose then mabey got to full bi weekly.
I have used a few mericle grow ferts and a few of them made my 6.0 ph water int 8.5 with a half dose, so watch your ph!!! green light super bloom made my ph the same. so on a higher ph it may even help drop it! i guess this is a good thing