Miracle Grow


Well-Known Member
I used MG moisture controll and it worked beyond great when you water add a teaspoon of molassas to each gallon of water during veg stage dbl. during flower

Sub Zero

Well-Known Member
MG works fine for veg. cycle if that's all you have. I'm assuming you are in soil?
Just flush your soil once a week, and go easy on the fert. that would be best.
Spend a dime or two on good flowering newts, when you are ready.
Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
only thing wrong with mg nutes. there kinda hot. I used mg all purpose 8-7-6 the plants grew. I did burn a few even killed one I think.


Well-Known Member
i'm using miracle gro all purpose nutes, but only for veg. i've already gone out to the local hydro store and bought flowering nutes and i still plan on buy molasses as well cause i heard it works wonders.


Well-Known Member
Yeah I see nothing wrong with MG
I just hate when people say that its the worst thing ever
when it has worked worders on my trees

And Yes soil is all i know lol


Well-Known Member
There is probley something wose but I don't know what it is. I might find out. The local hydro guy wants me to try some local stuff. I don't even know the name of it.


Well-Known Member
i'm using miracle gro all purpose nutes, but only for veg. i've already gone out to the local hydro store and bought flowering nutes and i still plan on buy molasses as well cause i heard it works wonders.
yeah i got some molasses too, stuff is
really sticky stays in the soil for days
and it goes down easy on the plants as


Well-Known Member
Hey i started a thread a while back thats right up your ally

and btw i just started another grow with organic MG, 3 weeks in. so far so good. idk why i decided to try it this time but its not too shabby.
you can buy foxfarm nutes at most hydro shops i got mine from a local one for faster delivery you might want to google fox farm nutes and try to find the cloesest place with the best price. i used nehydro.com over 100 was free shiping to


Medical Marijuana (MOD)
Does anybody see anything wrong with using miracal grow organic choice plant food on weed?
during veg cycle you can use just about anything, its the bloom nutes that you want for a great yield and a good smoke. ido use MG during veg and will never change. if you look at my outdoor grow this year you will no why.:weed:


Active Member
Just so u know dog, thats not how u spell deuce. I would know thats been my nickname since i was like 14 and im 19 now. But whatever floats your boat:lol: