Miracle Grow


So I kinda fucked up and planted my seedlings, before I found this site, in Miracle Grow. I have transplanted them to new pots and got Scotts soil in there, and tried to get as little as possible MG in the new pots, my question is, will this still fuck up my plants or am I good? They look fine as of now, they are about three weeks old.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, don't worry about the MG. Just know the warning signs when things are going wrong with your plant and then take steps to rectify. But, you should be vigilant with any soil you might use.


Well-Known Member
Scotts and MG are owned by the same company and I have used both. They have soft of a good better best like Sears: Scott's, MG, Whitney Farms. Anything that says no nutes for 3-4 months has something added and I have experienced "burn" from both. I would just be careful about adding anything for a while. If you go the scotts.com they will tell you what's in the bag and on paper it looks pretty mild but, like I said I have seen "burn" from both. Hope this helped.


Well-Known Member
There is no need for all these exspensive compost just get the chepest that you can take out all the large bits with is only ever afew any how.Then add a little perlite to it a little building sand and you have a great grow medium.


Active Member
I have used MG the two times I have grown and haven't had any problems. Just realize that you wont have to feed them nutes for at least a month.


Active Member
There is no need for all these exspensive compost just get the chepest that you can take out all the large bits with is only ever afew any how.Then add a little perlite to it a little building sand and you have a great grow medium.
Agree 100%

I'm sorry but pre-nuted soils (not just mg)
Have been responsible for many a seedling death even if extra nutes aren't added.

Don't use a pre-nuted soil for sprouts/seedlings. not good news.

Do you have huge pine trees anywhere?
They've got great soil underneath just add perlite
I'm a big fan of using all the organic products you can