Miracle grow


Well-Known Member
MG is all that I have ever used, so anyone that tells you that it can't be done doesn't know what they are talking about. Of course there are other brands that are probably better, but I promise that it will work.
I too have started using miracle Gro soil. My plants are loving it!!! My main stalks are twice the thickness of my plants grown in hydro. Here are my babies at 2 weeks in veg. I am using MG potting soil with time release ferts. They are growing like, we'll, "weeds"!!!
alot of people say dont use it, its really a matter of preference or finance lol, when i went to buy some i was talked down and sold on Fox Farm and Ferti-Lome by the old woman at the nursery lol, she just hated miracle grow and actually only sold a very small amount of it at her store, it can be grown in there but its just like the argument of HPS v. CFL v LED just a matter of choice and preference
You gotta think, Miracle Gro has been around for quite a while and they are a multi billion dollar company. If their soil didn't work, they would have went broke a long time ago... They must be doing something right... I'm not saying its the best, I'm simply saying it works...


Well-Known Member
yes it can be done....but for a new grower you are going to have some issues to deal with. Knats and heavy soil causing plants to not drain as well as fox farm soil. I'd say an experienced grower would have no problems with scotts miracle grow. IF you have grown tomatoes in it you will be fine but newbes beware. Imo the knats come from the pallets of soil staying outside being rained on. They don't drain well in the bag and get hot/wet causing mold and knats then you have them in your garden. If you are lucky that won't happen but luck and a truck drop off recently would be nice.. If I used SMG Id at least add some perlite.


Active Member
i start all my seeds In MG Seed Starting Mix, Mixed with FF happy Frog ( for the mycorrizae) and perlite. 100 percent germ ratio. and i wouldent be apposed to using MG Organic for a Subcool super soil Base, Although i went with EarthGro For this Run


Well-Known Member
you all are a bunch of MG goofs. see what smoking MG buds does to you? got you all talking crazy teaching people to use Mg for weed....shame on all of you!


Active Member
I dont think any one is saying its the best...We all know that aint true, But the fact of the matter is it will grow weed if its your only option


Well-Known Member
I agree with the others about it being personal preference. It's like just about everything else in marijuana cultivation. It's all about what you like.


MG works just fine. Nitrogen is nitrogen. Copper is copper. Different brands dont add a special isotope of potassium or whatever. Just mind your dilution ratios.