Miracle LED UnEdison Green Bulb.. Will this work at night time?

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Here's a Link.


It's cheap.. if you buy two you get free shipping.. 5 Watts & it's LED.
Will this work at night cycle to do my work & so forth?
Thanks Guys..

And if you know any that your using that work.. post a link so I can order. I just want word to word confirmation with one of my fellow RIU buds.
Just need a reliable bulb that screws into a regular bulb socket for overall coverage.
Thanks! :peace:


Well-Known Member
I got you grower........yes it will work, but will need two at that wattage.....and the longevity is questionable


Well-Known Member
Cool thanks. Why 2 though? Is it that serious? lol.
Because 5w WHITE household leds are not that bright, considering the green spectra will be way dimmer===== 2 bulbs for close plant inspection

personally I would not bother the girls in the Dark at all:P