Mirical grow soil! Please help


Well-Known Member
I started with MG. Take a peek at my journal. Momma Cass is full MG potting soil.

People bash MG a LOT here. but if you filter through the posts, you will see a pattern.
MG soil isn't that bad (moisture control the preferred MG soil. The organic, people say gives you bugs)
MG nutes: They hate them since they are time released, which makes it hard to to control. (I can see that point clearly.)

MG *does* have water soluble nutes. I started with that. I would pre-dissolved it in a coffee cup. Then when mixing up a new water bottle, I would stir that cup in.

Back to the MG soil. Run with it (until you run out of it). Footnote for all bagged soils, READ the label. If it has nutes in it, hold off with *your* nutes for about a month.

Alright, a few people told me its really bad to use mirical grow soil when growing your plants, but ive kinda already planted them in it, and they look too good to kill and start over...

First of all, does it really matter?

second, if it does matter, is it too late to replant them in new soil?

and Third, if its not too late to replant them, can i just use plain old dirt from my yard to grow them?

Thanks for all the help :)


Well-Known Member
smart move :)
Mr. Knowm, (or others) whats the diff between vermiculite and perlite?
(in the what it does vain)

I mean, do I need both? I've just been adding in perlite into any soil I buy, MG, MG MC, FF, etc.
Should/do I need to be adding vermiculite too?


Well-Known Member
i'm doing my grow in mg with nutes. noob mistake? i'm 7 weeks into flowering and haven't had any problems at all. i will do my next grow in fox farms soil. then i will have something to compare


Well-Known Member
i'm doing my grow in mg with nutes. noob mistake? i'm 7 weeks into flowering and haven't had any problems at all. i will do my next grow in fox farms soil. then i will have something to compare
7 weeks into flowering and no probs? Noob mistake? Hell no!

MG (soil and nutes) can be bought with no suspicion (and in 'normal' stores'. And if it works, even better!!!

With MG, main thing I'd do is a good flush (even more then 'normal') prior to harvest. The non organic nutes probably aren't good when burned and inhaled (though we don't inhale here, do we? :) ) And at 7 weeks into flowering you should be getting ready for harvest, no?

Cool beans!


Well-Known Member
my friend used it and he said it made the bud taste weird.
One plant? Could be the genetics of the plant anyways

Did he flush? Could be the leftover nutes (typical)

I think 5 clones used in a test makes sense. Need cones to keep the plant genetically the same.

5 cones for each part of a test. 5 for MG soil and 5 for FF soil.

One seed for MG soil and one seed for FF isn't a fair test.

Typically, in an electronics deal, you read a value 12 times, throw out the highest and lowest then average the remaining 10. Gives a better 'real world' average.


Well-Known Member
i have had bad experiences with the organic miricle grow potting soil havent tried anyothers but this caused hot spots in soil and made it tough for me to gauge what my plants needed when it came time to feed nutes, by best crops were built on foxfarms and lightwarrior soils..

Chemical Ali™

Active Member
These plants are doing just fine in MG soil, This is Chemical Ali™'s first grow so maybe there is a better soil but as not having used anything else theres no way for him to gauge the difference. If anybody sees anything that needs pointed out feel free to do so.

Chemical out


D port Growth

Well-Known Member
just check the bag of soil and see how long the nutes last some are for 5 month some for 9.
ive been using the all purpose nutes but not the soil mix and its just fine just dont OD your plant.



Well-Known Member
Chemical Ali™;708561 said:
These plants are doing just fine in MG soil, This is Chemical Ali™'s first grow so maybe there is a better soil but as not having used anything else theres no way for him to gauge the difference. If anybody sees anything that needs pointed out feel free to do so.

Chemical out
That plant is going to be an unruly monster by the time you finish flowering her. Wow.



Mr I Can Do That For Half
I love and use MG moisture control soil for all my soil plants. I just did an MG soil journel. Fletch gets dirty 2.0. I dont use any nutes just make sure your ph your water to 6.8 when watering. I do add some additive at flower. I like to add little indonesion bat guano tea to up the phos and potassium. I also like to use molasses and at the end humbodlt countys gravity to harden off the buds.I just took 3 tops trimmed them up and took a weight which was 9 oz from just the 3 tops none of the other stuff from the plants.18 plants so figure 9 wet oz from every 3 is 54 wet oz minimal so over 1 1/2 lbs dry.Check it out to see how it works.Someone asked about difference in verm and perlite.Perlite just makes the soil more airy and stops compaction. Verm does the same but also retains water and moisture to help stop soil drying out.Some use it in hydro grows.

Garden Knowm

The Love Doctor
I love and use MG moisture control soil for all my soil plants. I just did an MG soil journel. Fletch gets dirty 2.0. I dont use any nutes just make sure your ph your water to 6.8 when watering. I do add some additive at flower. I like to add little indonesion bat guano tea to up the phos and potassium. I also like to use molasses and at the end humbodlt countys gravity to harden off the buds.I just took 3 tops trimmed them up and took a weight which was 9 oz from just the 3 tops none of the other stuff from the plants.18 plants so figure 9 wet oz from every 3 is 54 wet oz minimal so over 1 1/2 lbs dry.Check it out to see how it works.Someone asked about difference in verm and perlite.Perlite just makes the soil more airy and stops compaction. Verm does the same but also retains water and moisture to help stop soil drying out.Some use it in hydro grows.


thanks for the knowledge

HOW often did you water?

How much did you water?

What was your room temp?

What was your container size?

much love