Miricle Grow for nutes?


Well-Known Member
Hey again ya'll. I got Miricle Grows all purpose potting soil. It says it feeds for 3 months. So should I not add any nutes for the 3 months?

Another question. When the 3 months is up or whenever I go to get the nutes; Can I use the Miricle Grow fertilizer as well? I don't wanna burn my babies! If I can then is there a special mix to get(N-P-K)?

Thanks everyone in advance.


Well-Known Member
not to sure. i was wondering about using just miracle grow for nutes. would also like to know if its any good.

i would think to just use the all purpose one all the time.


Well-Known Member
I used MG moisture control on mine because its all I could get ahold of, Its OK others will say diffrent, some ppl just have a bad experience with it, If you can, go with fox farm products, at least I will be with my next grow:mrgreen: but MG is OK starting off, dont feed until about a month and a half old, then I used Peters Pro Plant food 1/8 recommended strenth and built up from there to 1/4 strenth and so on, water once a week for seedlings then when your feeding them, water and then feed at next watering:peace:


Well-Known Member
i have used advanced nutes for my 1st 2 grows and mg for my current. ABSOLUTELY NO DIFFERENCE....may even look better. You'll see alot of people tell you mg is crap, don't use it. These are probably the people from Advanced Nutes, Foxfarm etc wanting you to pay their ridiculous prices for plant nutes. Nutes are nutes, are nutes, are nutes. Get em from a bottle of mg or from the pond down the street or in your back yard. .....doesn't matter as long as you use some common sense. Think about it.....you think the people from Advanced have some secrete recipe ????? Naw baby naw.....they're marketing and trying to SELL a product. Plants(of all kinds) have eaten the same thing since plants existed.....and it doesn't cost $49.00/gall.


Well-Known Member
Thanks ya'll. I'm going to wait the 3 months before giving them anything else. But I'll stick with the Miricle Grow nutes. I hear more argument for rather than against using it. toke. I put up the rest or the aluminum foil today as well. No light is getting out that's for sure.


Well-Known Member
I switched to mir gro a few years back because my funding was limited ive stuck with it,no changes in my product.I use the 24-8-15 for veg and the 15-30-15 for flower.Plus superthrive,epson salts and dr hornby big bud in flower.:joint::mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
nutes dont mean shit unless you have your ph/h20/light/temp/humidity/critter etc situations under control. i bet every brand of nutes are made in the same factory and just go in different containers.


New Member
Hey again ya'll. I got Miricle Grows all purpose potting soil. It says it feeds for 3 months. So should I not add any nutes for the 3 months?

Another question. When the 3 months is up or whenever I go to get the nutes; Can I use the Miricle Grow fertilizer as well? I don't wanna burn my babies! If I can then is there a special mix to get(N-P-K)?

Thanks everyone in advance.
will you be in flow after 3 months? i would think so anyway.. so if so,, and you like the miracle grow name... they have these slow release pellets called UltraBloom... 10-16-10... i used them in conjuction with canna PK 13-14 and had next to no burning...
a little burning is acceptable though... i think if it didnt suffer any burn it didnt get its fill


Well-Known Member
My plants are growing in MG Organic. I wanted to go organic but didn't have a lot of money. I sprinkled about an inch of locally-produced compost (that I got for $2 a bag at the farmer's market) on top. They're doing great so far! Seem to be loving it!
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Well-Known Member
ive done full grows in miracle grow potting soil and never added a thing. flushed as normal b4 harvest. not 1 problem.its a heavy dose of nutes for some strains but most seem to adjust to it ok


Well-Known Member
I used Miricle grow all pupose potting soil. I just got Miricle Grow all purpose fertilizer as well. But my soil said it already fed for 3 months. Does this mean I should give any nutes till they are 3 months old?


Well-Known Member
I used Miricle grow all pupose potting soil. I just got Miricle Grow all purpose fertilizer as well. But my soil said it already fed for 3 months. Does this mean I should give any nutes till they are 3 months old?
alot of time the pellets feed beyond the 3 months. if your at 3 months now you must be close to harvest.go by your plants though they will tell you if you need nutes


Well-Known Member
ive done full grows in miracle grow potting soil . . . its a heavy dose of nutes for some strains but most seem to adjust to it ok
Ditto. How long the polymers (time-release) last is based on amount of waterings and how thorough. I got a bag of soaked MG moisture control w/up-to-90-day ferts . . . they'd ALL dissolved and that bag of soil badly burned some nice plants, but they survived. Keep this in mind if you somehow end up with a wet bag.
As a lazy dude, I plan on using MG MControl from here on out. As long as you water thoroughly when you water, it's great and, except for needing some epsom salts a month (or so) in, this stuff almost replaces any extra steps/labor.
Of course, you'll need to boost/adjust the mix when it's flowering time.
Re: burn from soil . . . I got a hold of Scotts (MG manufacturer) and the reply I received said they don't recommend adding any fertilizer to the MC soil until whatever has grown 2" . . . not sure what that meant, as mine had grown 8.


Well-Known Member
I'm using miricle gro all purpose fert. The plants are loving it. The growth in the last few days has been incredible. I'll have to switch to a less nitrogen content fert when i get to flowering right? This solution is 26% nitgogen.