Originally Posted by
I don't follow brick, I just happen to see him giving opinions in 2 threads about things he doesn't actually do himself. Kind of like hearing a kid talk about sex and googling up a playboy as proof he knows his shit.
Didn't Brick up to recently claim he never grew?
If that last very poorly worded line was intended to say that I at some point said I do not grow or that I have never grown, then you could not have been more incorrect had you given it your best attempt to be incorrect.
I have clearly stated, many times, that I began growing in 1972, in the spring of 1972, which soon will mean that I have grown for 39 years, almost 4 decades.
What I did recently say is I never say if and what and when I am growing. I might say that I experienced some problem or had some certain results a few months back or a year ago or several years ago, but in fact it might have only happened last week or yesterday, or even today.
I have gone nearly 39 years now without getting busted. I see no reason to ever broadcast to anyone, let alone to the entire world by saying it online, that I have a crop growing. While the chances are admittedly slim that someone might be attempting to sniff me out I see no reason whatsoever to tell them that at any given moment it would be a good time for them to pay me a visit and instead do my best to always make it appear as if they come for a visit they will find the cookie jar empty.
I have known of people being busted due to pictures they posted online and things they have said online. Since the last one, which occurred in my town, I stopped posting pictures and stopped giving up to date information as to what I was doing at any given time.
That is what I recently said, along with describing three busts I know of that all occurred due to what people said online and pictures they posted online.
If you wish you attempt to lie about what I actually said and attempt to make it appear as if I said I never grow or never grew, well then have at it, lie away, lie until your hateful heart is filled with content. But never be foolish enough to believe that your lies will ever alter reality. No matter how many times you lie, the truth will remain the exact same. Just as no matter how many times you attempt to pass off your inaccurate personal beliefs and inaccurate personal opinions you will never be able to do it enough times to transform so much as one single piece of factual information I post into no longer being a proven fact.
A proven fact is just that, a proven fact, and a proven fact will always remain a proven fact. While I did not make it a habit of reading many of your messages I have never seen a single proven fact stated by you, at least not one that was intended and direct.
You have more than clearly proven through your own statements the fact that you are a lost ball in the tall weeds when it comes to botanical knowledge, but since you had no intention of ever revealing that fact in a way I suppose it does not really count since it was purely accidental rather than intentional. But that is the only fact I have ever seen you reveal.
Then again most of the time I keep you on ignore because I cannot stomach your continual inane psychobabble and only from time to time, for short periods of time, remove you from my ignore list to see what your most recently spewed absurdity is. At times curiosity gets the best of me so I take a peek, and then right after I return you to my ignore list for a fairly lengthy period of time. A handful of messages of yours that I reply to, like this one, were not seen in your actual message but were instead seen in a quote where someone replied to your inane beliefs and absurd opinions. So I C&P'd it and put it in quotes and replied to it.
If you do not believe that I normally have you on ignore take a look at your profile page and look at the last ten people who visited your page are. My name will pop up there now and then, and it is only to return you to ignore after removing you from ignore.
Now once again, please pick someone else to troll or pick some other growing site to haunt and fill with absurdities.