Missing light that says delivered through Amazon

Thanks for all the advice. Ill have to post back what ends up happening out of the situation im sure if sf or Amazon doesn't help my bank will but that will take a while to get money back from what i have read.
At this point security cameras are pretty much mandatory in any city or mid sized town, sad state of affairs.
Paypal made me go to the cops, then the cops sent me to the post office where they filed a fraud claim when I ordered something on Ebay with Paypal. I finally got back most of my money after a few months.

I'm not a big fan of either Amazon or Paypal personally.
I don't know what's different, but I get many items from Ebay, and the sellers are worried about any reviews of less than 5 of 5 stars. I'm not sure how they run it, but I've seen a few seller booted from the site for doing wrong by customers. Until I have an issue Ebay and PayPal haven't let me get hosed once in the last 3 years :grin:. Let's face it, customer service is part of the sale, otherwise we'd shop at Kmart, no, gone, Sears, no, gone. How was their customer service? When I find a store, seed bank etc, that makes me feel they value my measly business I'm staying with them. So man shitty operators out there, but we don't have to feed them. :peace:...
All my deliveries from Amazon come with a photo to my email of the delivered package
If they don't have a picture they will refund your money
No one is spying on you
All my Amazon stuff goes to the post office in town. Fedex pickup at the Napa store in town and Purolator stuff to the Bumper-To-Bumper store at a town about 30 min up the highway. Absolutely nothing gets delivered to the door here except Jehovah's Witnesses and they don't stay long. ;)

I'd just do what @Spiderfarmerled said above. Lot of porch raiders follow the delivery trucks around and grab stuff too. Don't those doorbell cameras record on a loop or something so it sees all?

Spider farmer got back to me and basically said i have to deal with amazon on the issue. Im calling my bank today to start a claim but this is definitely a learning lesson if i cant hold for pickup from post office im not buying it. Going to buy local or through a more trusted source online with multiple shipping options. Im pretty done with amazon at this point and hopefully this doesn't happen to someone else. Nothing against spiderfarmer products since i haven't experienced them but i would definitely not buy them off Amazon. Thanks for all the advice!
Spider farmer got back to me and basically said i have to deal with amazon on the issue. Im calling my bank today to start a claim but this is definitely a learning lesson if i cant hold for pickup from post office im not buying it. Going to buy local or through a more trusted source online with multiple shipping options. Im pretty done with amazon at this point and hopefully this doesn't happen to someone else. Nothing against spiderfarmer products since i haven't experienced them but i would definitely not buy them off Amazon. Thanks for all the advice!
Get a refund and order an HLG directly from HLG instead. The 260 is only $315 after code RIU10.

I try not to order from Amazon unless I have to.
Hi dear, sorry to hear. Please offer us your order number, then we will transfer it to our Amazon team for the issue.
Have you ask if your family or neighbor collect it for you. Actually we suggest you call the shipping carrier first to ask where they delivered your package to (Just offer your tracking number) . This is the quickest way to know what happened.
Since the tracking number delivered, we also need a case number from shipping carrier, then we can ask a claim from them.
Thanks for all your kindly cooperation.
Hello @Spiderfarmerled, he cannot get anywhere with the shipping company, he is not the sender. They will only talk to the shipper who paid them and as such basically has a contract to deliver the item. The receiver is only involved once they receive a package, carrier won't usually talk to them at all.
Hey OP, just go to your credit card company and stop wasting your time. If they have no proof of delivery than the credit card company will take your side. Just marking something as delivered is not a guarantee of delivery. My amazon orders usually show a pic in tracking once delivered showing package on my porch. Just like here just say to Amazon, "Pics or it didn't happen."
Hey OP, just go to your credit card company and stop wasting your time. If they have no proof of delivery than the credit card company will take your side. Just marking something as delivered is not a guarantee of delivery. I have my amazon orders usually show a pic in tracking once delivered showing package on my porch. Just like here just say to Amazon, "Pics or it didn't happen."
We got a new refrigerator for free thanks to the credit card company. The door originally had a little ding so we had them order a new one. Well they forgot to put a little piece back on the new door so it didn't want to spring closed. We were having trouble getting them to come back out and so we just called the credit card company. The store never disputed the no charge. So basically a free fridge. I just need to order the little piece and throw it on.
Hey OP, just go to your credit card company and stop wasting your time. If they have no proof of delivery than the credit card company will take your side. Just marking something as delivered is not a guarantee of delivery. My amazon orders usually show a pic in tracking once delivered showing package on my porch. Just like here just say to Amazon, "Pics or it didn't happen."
exactly. make them earn that 7.9% APR.
All my deliveries from Amazon come with a photo to my email of the delivered package
If they don't have a picture they will refund your money
No one is spying on you
And no cop is going to give a flying fuck what kind of light fixture is missing. Grow up and grow a pair. When seeds got hung up in Chicago 3 times in customs I filed complaints online with USPS. All 3 times got the seeds! Then got a survey request each time asking how they did. I see others on here “Oh well I guess they got my seeds.”

The only letters I’ve received from criminal investigatiive division was for actual bud mailed inside Alaska.

So word of warning. Even though it’s legal in your state you can’t mail bud to anyone anywhere. Those letters invited me to respond if I felt they were wrong. Ignored both. Nothing ever happened. Except I lost 1/2 pound total.
It could just be USPS. They've marked shit as delivered at my house but they don't actually deliver it until the next day. But my USPS has gotten worse lately.
Due to corona alot of delivery companies have been self signing before hand and the tracking will show as being delivered. Actual dilvery will show up a day or so later. Alot of this going on. On the tracking if delivered should be a copy of a signature, if its not from your household its probably self signed by the dilvery co
Due to corona alot of delivery companies have been self signing before hand and the tracking will show as being delivered. Actual dilvery will show up a day or so later. Alot of this going on. On the tracking if delivered should be a copy of a signature, if its not from your household its probably self signed by the dilvery co
Nobody ever makes us sign for packages.
Spider farmer got back to me and basically said i have to deal with amazon on the issue. Im calling my bank today to start a claim but this is definitely a learning lesson if i cant hold for pickup from post office im not buying it. Going to buy local or through a more trusted source online with multiple shipping options. Im pretty done with amazon at this point and hopefully this doesn't happen to someone else. Nothing against spiderfarmer products since i haven't experienced them but i would definitely not buy them off Amazon. Thanks for all the advice!

Spider farmer ships in NON descrip packaging... I.E plain box...... this is a non issue. No cops are going to kick your door in for that. WE got too much on our plate already.
Ask for proof of delivery. If they can not provide proof, then it was never in your possession.

Visit your bank or call your CC company and ask to initiate a charge back as well. Hit them from all angles. Once you initiate the charge back, the bank of CC company will likely open their own report with your local law enforcement agency (who will likely do nothing at all about the situation), so you can also ask for the police report number from your bank, and then give that to amazon.
If you use PayPal, that can throw a kink in things. I've been successful getting refunds form paypal, but their bureaucracy sucks these days. Paypal isn't like they were 10 years ago in terms of customer service.