Missouri Marijuana Bill

Bootheel Grower

Active Member
Missouri has proposed house bill hj15 this bill will legalize marijuana and also exponge past felonys for marijuana convictions... Lets get behind this bill.. As a felon with a marijuana charge I can speak personally on how important it is to get this passed in Missouri in 2016
I left Missouri for Colorado, wouldn't go back to misery if they legalized weed, gambling and prostitution.

Here in Colorado they didn't expunge marijuana related felonies- I know, because I have one.

I'm actually proud of it; it's a permanent mark on my record that proves beyond any doubt THAT I STAND FOR MY PRINCIPLES, STUPID LAWS AND STUPID POLITICIANS BE DAMNED.

Those who attempt to use it to discriminate against me earn my scorn- as publicly as possible, exposed for being the hypocrites they are.

My "crime"? Growing harmless plants in the basement that actually provided medication and relief for the many, many people in my life who suffered from everything from arthritis to fucking bone cancer.

Yeah- I don't think I want it expunged- I want it FRAMED so I can hang it on the wall as an example of what real principled action looks like.
I hear ya on that!!! But if they get this thing passed and exponge all marijuana related felony's.. That would be sweet..
Yeah and then profit margins drop, quality drops overall and the best growers ship to a black market state. Next thing you know it's mostly overpriced b grade taxed hard. Legalizations novelty wore off with me when wholesale went from 5k to 1.6k per unit.