Missouri Race Tensions


Well-Known Member
You have my respect and my support. Your penis swings free, and throbs in the face of injustice. We should do hugs.
How about it throbs and swings freely against the face of injustice? Yeah, I like that. Spewing forth the wrath of... yeah.

V-hug, low grab, hold...hurrah! :)


Well-Known Member
Exactly. In the south sure there are these old crackers and stupid red-necks around, and also personal street activists like me that bust some red neck head, when I see it. But, the real institutional Racism was always in the North.

Overcoming that was the true story of Lincoln and what got him killed. He was going to re-do the South into a powerhouse Utopia by force and he had every right.

They killed him for that. Neither the North nor the South wanted that. The 13 amendment and what it took to get it is the Mark of Northern Racism.

The South did not get a voice in the 13th Amendment. And it only narrowly passed the North with 18 States.
you need to turn off the rush limbaugh.