misting plants? good or nay


Active Member
Is it okay to mist plants, during veg stage with carbonated water?? Or is that okay with budding? I have mine under cfls and t8 bulbs if that makes a difference..


Active Member
Dont spray your plants when they are budding, you can easily cause a mold problem and kill your weed.
In veg its alright to spray your plants, i do every second day. But not sure about using carbonated water.


Well-Known Member
I do it in Veg ..

once or twise a week .. mostly when I also water ..

I just take the plants to the bathroom and water them .. spray em wile they drip off and let em sit for 5 .. then back under my T5

dont do it before lights go out .. need time to dry .. do it when you water .. in the morning ..

good for vegging plants .. specialy if you have low humidity ..

a good idea is also to add some kind of wetting agent (wet betty/Yucca) to break the water tension ..

and if you did`t know ? it is underneed the leaves they got the pores that take up most moister .. so hit em under the leaves mostly .. I just point it under and they get enough on top aswell ..

get a good spray bottel .. one that can mist it realy good (5$)

if your low on nuts or like to give em a littel food .. you can add nutriens to the speaying water .. some is even made for it .. but any liquit one will do .. diluted to 1/4 of the "normal" strenges ...

if you got hard water (tab) with a lot of lime it in ...
then either boild the water you use for spraying (ofcourse cool it down before use .. need to be room temps .. to cold is also bad for plants)

or buy bottel water (if you have many plants a water purifier would be a good investment)

and flowering plants is a big no no .. fist two weeks some do .. and I reccon its ok . but my flowers begon to form after 3 days in 12/12 and I dont like to take chances .. so I dont do it at all .. you also need lower humidity doing flowering then veg (30-40%)


Active Member
Ok thanks guys, I wasn't sure if the lights could burn the plants with a mist on them so I've been holding off on it. I heard using carbonated water is better (from Mr. Greens video) so you can also have a cheap alternative to give your plants some co2. I have a fert for budding and it says you can feed also by spraying, along with watering with the fert too, which is why I ask.


Well-Known Member
I mist my plants usually once or twice a day for 4 weeks of veg then wait a week and switch to flower and never mist in flower. Though my humidity stays around 25% and the plants seem to love it!