Misty Cont. & Others...

King Blunt

Well-Known Member
ok bro, i'll try and find some schultz at the nurseries, thanks. do you think i should try superthrive to give her a kick where she was stunted from being rootbound?

King Blunt

Well-Known Member
one of Misty's branches snapped the other day :( but I tied it back up and she is doing better, fortunately, it didnt break completely!

King Blunt

Well-Known Member
I think that branch might be healin up pretty good. One tope just shot up among the rest. Don't know what gave that spurt lol. Tell me what yall think.

King Blunt

Well-Known Member
IDK WTF is up with her? Maybe a shitty pheno. Hopefully I'll be getting one of my Blue Mystics up an running as a mother soon :) Got some future indoor grow plans coming along haha

Concord Dawn

Well-Known Member
you know, i just noticed that those are single blade leaves, how low old is this girl now? must be some kind of mutant pheno??? have you started anything else yet?

King Blunt

Well-Known Member
shes like six month lmao. Im gettin a big thing goin. Ill def start a thread when i do. Im goin big time next round. Even found a recipe for some super soil haha


Well-Known Member
it's a shame they never grew out more. in all the pics they look very wet, are you taking the photos after you water them? do they get a chance to dry out each time?

King Blunt

Well-Known Member
Yeah I take em after I water. I'm not too worried about it now. Tonight my bro is crackin two more blue mystic beans. Gonna be some moms :))