Hey guys, I have a misunderstanding about organics and synthetics. I've been growing organics (close to subcools mix) for a few runs and have had great results. I know u can't add any cheated salts to organics because it will destroy all microlife but I hear and read about people using organic teas or adding an organic substance to there synthetic nute mix or in dwc while using synthetics. I figured adding organic anything to a synthetic grow OP would kill the organics. Pardon my ignorance but if someone could shed some light on what I'm not understanding would be great. Thanks!
Btw my question stems from me doing a dwc run this go round with Jack's 321 (doing great!) and I've read about people adding organic teas and I'm just not understanding somthing because i figure no micro life would survive in the res. Thanks guys!
So synthetics don't necessarily kill ALL the microbes... however, the microbes will eventually starve or be unable to grow because they have nothing to break down in a DWC (missing organic matter). So therefore there is no carbon source for microbes to repopulate. So they are gonna be short lived in a synthetic nutrient environment.
Another thing some don't realize is that using synthetic nutrients throws the osmotic balance of the microbes' cells all out of wack because the ppm in the cell is generally gonna be less than the ppm of the nutrient solution. So it's going to cause water to be pulled from the cell, similarly if you add salt to veggies or a piece of meat, it draws out the water. So the cells (microbes) will be extremely stressed and/or will shrivel up and die in the nutrient solution.
And furthermore, the plant, in a natural living soil environment, excretes exudates that feed microbes (and more specifically summon certain microbes) in exchange for nutrients that the plant wants/needs. When feeding nutrients that are already in a chelated form, the plant decreases the amount of exudates it produces to a minimum, since things are already plant available form. No sense in wasting resources/energy.
I'm sure there are other things that are impacted too, but I'm just gonna go with that for now haha.
with that being said, i'm sure there may be some benefit to things like mammoth P, i've heard that they really help keep the system "clean". I have no experience with that myself, so i'm only going on hearsay from the local hydro shop guys (i laughed at them when they suggested mammoth P microbes, as I'm already full of microbes with soil). I would also bet that there are some organisms that would probably be beneficial to a hydro style grow, i just couldn't tell you which ones specifically.
Personally i see no need to put "teas and such" into a system like DWC. it's just gonna scum things up if I had to form a hypothesis about your question. Just seems like a waste of time and resources.