mite destroyers


Well-Known Member
all the mite products are a waste of money no doubt. i got rid of my mites by spraying them off the leaves with plain water and it worked well and got rid of all mites on my 5ft. plants. The only time
I spent money was on ladybugs that did the job well on my other pot plants.

Elite Nugz

Active Member
man when i had my greenhouse rolling i had bought like 6 packs of lady bugs and kept some in the fridge, i had a couple aphids migrate from my roses over to the greenhouse, which was made worse by the fact that there are ants galore around here.. ants actually farm aphids by taking them from densely populated area of the plant to other uninfected areas.. aphids suck! but after releasing only 2 packs of ladies they were all gone in a matter of 3 days! they really like mites but aphids are also a fav food, the problem with using them indoors is that they not only get everywhere but they go off into random corners and cracks of the room and die which can cause mold to form.

My ladybugs liked to hide under the rim of the pots for some reason. I'd scoop those suckers out of under there and throw em back on the tops of the plants.


Active Member
elite! check it out bro



Elite Nugz

Active Member
elite! check it out bro


Yup. He's measuring surface temperature instead of ambient temperature, which is more important. When growing outdoor, I use natural shade from nearby trees, instead of shade clothes. And instead of using mulch.. I get big bails of hay, and spread a good layer around the ground, if Im growing in beds.

If you posted this because I said I keep my room at 85, then there's a different between indoor and outdoor. Outdoor you cant control your Co2 levels. If you could, then that 85 degrees wouldnt bad at all, since the plant is being supplied with Co2, and can therefor perform better and faster. Without Co2, then yes... you'll be slowing growth. Also... Im in hydroponics. I want the plant to pull up extra water and nutrients to keep itself cool. The harder I make them work, the bigger they get. You also cant control the humidity outside. 85 degrees and 25% or lower humidity... then of course the plants are going to slow at 85 degrees. But with 85 degree temps about 65% humidity, and Co2 levels over 1000ppm and the plants are in heaven and grow ridiculously fast. I would never sacrifice that for anything else.

If you dont agree with my temps, then thats cool. But I havent watched a Jorge Cervantez video in probably a good 5 years. After you've been growing for a while, so you start to tweak stuff to see how it works, and some times you accidentally stumble upon things, and find out that they actually work as well.

Like I told someone else the other day... If you follow the basic's, like what Jorge Cervantez teaches, then youll run a nice growroom, like a good running Honda Civic. Once you start to learn how to tweak your room to really push the shit out of your plants, then youll step it up to something more like a Ferrari. Small tricks like adjusting temperature and humidity according to what points the plants at in flowering. Adjusting light height. Changing light spectrum. Giving them plants the proper nutrients, when they need them, and removing the ones that arent needed, based on where the plant is in its cycle.

I can go on... but Im hungry, and need to go eat.

Dank Raptor

Active Member
After you take them out of the styrofoam ice chest sort of box they come in.... you'll get this. I got the Triple Threat, which is a mixture of 3 different types of beneficial mites. Those ones they refer to as the destroyers, and 2 other types.

View attachment 2066647

Why would anybody want to treat a mite infestation with another species of mite? Now you have multiple species or you are just replacing one for the other. If you take your product to a dispensary they wont accept it because it still has mites whether they are considered "predator" or not.
The only people who recommend predatory mites that I have heard of are the people that sell them.


Active Member
... once the predatory mites tear apart the spider mites they bail, not interested in fucking on and eating your plants. Why not read about it a bit? :)