Mix the bud with the 64


New Member
Hey there to those in RIU world, just got myself a Nintendo 64 with a copy of Bomberman 64: the second attack, Rampage World Tour, and Nacom Classics...... any games come to mind i should play let me know


Well-Known Member

i used to live in the old arcades before consoles ........ Shady little places lol.

their good fun to play all the old retro games but it don't last long and a total awe at how the graphics and realistic!!! Game play of todays consoles take effect ..... ;)

"" from cave man to lazer guns is how graphics have evolved in such a short time ........ Whats next ?""

~mainliner~ march 4th 2015


Well-Known Member
im playing sniper v2 atm

old ww1 guns lol its fucking crazy graphics and gameplay !!

its come along way since pac-man :)


Well-Known Member
oh yea that reminds me when i was a kid i got these n64 games from block buster and i never gave them back. i remember i thought those fuckers were going to come to my house to kill me. i still have them to

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
Killer instinct gold
I can still hear the song from the beginning and the dude saying ULTRAAAAAAAAA COMBOOOOOOOO!


New Member
oh yea that reminds me when i was a kid i got these n64 games from block buster and i never gave them back. i remember i thought those fuckers were going to come to my house to kill me. i still have them to
lol I do remember thinking that when we had our games for way to long cause my adopted dad didn't want to pay the late fee