Zack it looks like you're nailing it for a novice, but you may be suffering a little from the new grower ailment known as "LTTD"

In the excitement of seeing their plants doing well, novice growers often think the more they give them, the better the plants will grow,
often Loving Them To Death. Usually by overwatering and overfeeding them.
This will can cause issues like nutrient burn, lockouts, toxicities and root rot.
It is much easier to fix a slight deficiency than recover from toxicities, so slow and easy is usually the best approach.
I see you bought all three bloom fertilizers, running just one will be easier and most likely be just as effective as a mix of all three.
OldMedUser recommended using the Maxi. So, since you are in an organic mix that still has nutrients, you would want to start off easy with a mild solution and then monitor and modify as needed.
I would recommend starting with something like 60 grams of MaxiBloom in a common 33 gallon trash barrel and then split that among the plants.
Next week if the plants look fine feed the same again. Hopefully that will get you to finish.
As you monitor your plants you may need to start custom tailoring to each one. If one looks really hungry, feed it twice that week. If one has really dark leaves and burned tips, give only water that week. The ones that look fine keep at the same feed level.
It's a long learning experience with many bumps along the way. You have a great start and should be enjoying some nice product for Thanksgiving.