mixing coconut oil and olive oil


Well-Known Member
So I ran across a half oz of trim I totally forget last year (that almost never happens, but really cool:lol:) Any how I went to make some canna coconut oil. I ended up decarbing 13 grams. But I only had 1/3 cup o coconut oil, so I ended up having to put about a1/4 cup of something else all I had was ex vir olive oil to cover the plant material. Cooked in Mason jar water bath on stove top. Has anyone else had to do this or similar? I have to say the taste is rather interesting, almost reminds me of cashews. Finished and dosed 1 Tbls bout 45 mins ago and I all good:weed:


Well-Known Member
haven't used coconut oil yet, just pure ol oil, and that works fine w/o decarb first. I sometimes take a couple of tbsp of oil straight, and follow it up with hot tea, and can feel the onset in less than 15 mins.