Mixing dry good Trim into Soil any good for good growth?


Active Member
Hi all i have about half or less then half a pound of dry shake or trim and im wondering if it will be alright to add sum of that trim/shake into a pot of soil to see if i get Good growth from it... will the trim make the soil richer then what it already is?



Well-Known Member
As anything rots in the soil it locks up the nitrates. Not good. Try composting it first, but then it'll be just ordinary compost....
Cannabutter my friend...


New Member
I wouldn't add it because if one plant had a disease then it may spread to other plants. You should make tincture oil. Go to the michigan forum I posted how to make tincture with pics.


Active Member
I wouldn't add it because if one plant had a disease then it may spread to other plants. You should make tincture oil. Go to the michigan forum I posted how to make tincture with pics.

well alright Then i mean my Plants where healthy i mean they didnt have no diseases on them, or where sick.... i dont know i heard from a buddy who did what i did and Got some Killer Results outta his crop.

thanks for the advice all!