mixing hid with led

i think its a stellar idea..but if your looking for better spectrum and you have 400watt hps magnetics..there are ceramic metal halides that are intense hid full spectrum..but adding led for spectrum is not a bad idea..but overall..if i had a choice of what to add for the same cost as led..
my first choice would be more hid..say mh mixed with a hps or a dual arch bulb, cmh..
second choice would be t5 high output..
those jam..i got a 4 foot 6 bulb that pushes 30,000 lumens for under 200..
so about as much output as a 400 watt metal halide..
but you can mix the bulbs all you want in those t5's to gain a great spectrum..and get little heat at all to boot like led..less power to..mine does the strength of a 400 but pushes around 320w..apx ballpark 80 watts less..same light output