Mixing my own soil?

Hi, I need to mix some soil from what i can get locally like from home depot and/or local landscape shops. What do you recommend?


Well-Known Member
doesnt really have to be very exact, something like
5parts peat moss
3parts perlite
1part black kow/mushroom compost/organic compost
maybe a little vermiculite is you like
dolemite lime at about 1tbs per gallon

once you make some you will start to realize what you like. I just use coco and perlite now. You can find coco coir a pet stores if your interested in mixing some of that in. They sell brick, ground fine, chunks, and they also have clay pebbles called hydro balls too. They all make great amendments to your soil.


Well-Known Member
man these is this shit called super soil on the internet somewhere..its a ballar ass mix..someone told me about it..but i cant find it..may want to see if you can find it..you can mix all your own soil and not have to nute the whole grow..start to finish


Well-Known Member
66% Pro Mix 33% Perlite. You could do 50/50 but the excess perlite could float to the top over time.
66% Pro Mix 33% Perlite. You could do 50/50 but the excess perlite could float to the top over time.

I found a kick ass grow store 15 minutes from me and right down the street from one of the only creationism museums in the country. Its called Worms Way and its in Petersburgh, Kentucky.

I got:

Happy Frog soil, made by fox farm
and a brick of coco coir

They also had other fox farm soils, as well as pro-mix but we chose happy frog.....mainly since it does so well for young plants/clones. I feel very confident in the mix of that and coco coir.

I also found out that my plants may be calcium deficient and purchased some.