Mixing up soil. Need help on ratios please!


Well-Known Member
I modeled my current soil recipe after a mix by GreenThumbBill on thcfarmer. Here's TGB's post...

Subcool variations are usually too hot. Too much stuff. They throw in the kitchen sink.

Have you checked out blaze one up's KISS recipe over at icmag? I've been running a modified version of it for the last year or so and love it.

Here is what I have found to work for myself:

1.5 cu ft ffof OR 707
4 cu ft sunshine#4 (organic) OR pro mix hp (organic)
1/3 bag ff chunky perlite
1.5 cup sparetime organics blood meal
1.5 cup sparetime organics bone meal
1.5 cup sparetime organics kelp meal
1.5 cup sparetime organics trace minerals
1 cup sunleaves soil sweetener dolomite lime

Mix and use, no baking. Would never let my soil sit outside, fuck that.

I put fresh rooted clones into plain FFOF or 707 and then transfer them into this mix after 3 weeks of veg, veg another week and then flip. All my strains go 63 days of flower. I feed nothing but plain water the entire grow from cut to harvest. Easy-peasy-japanesey!

Oh yeah, if you haven't already, check out this cat's grows. He is legend.http://www.icmag.com/ic/showthread.php?t=59380

All credit due GreenThumbBill, thank you~


Well-Known Member
I like that mix but I question FF and Roots quality control. I dont trust them to put what suppose to be in there everytime.

Would you be able to substitute Sphagum peat moss and maybe some earthwoom poo?
Then add add some Myco. Is that a good enough mix?

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
well i mix my own organic soil, i found the secret is in the beneficial microbes, you still need all the proper food , but most organic fertz are time release which if not balanced your plants can run into hot spots or have to deal with deffs, so making sure your soil is alive and healthy is key . you can also use molasses to multiply the lil guys if you think you don't have enough and it ill also give your plants cal mag,
Organic nutes are not so much "time release", as they are slow release. Organic growing relies on microbial and fungal action to break down (decompose) organic matter into a form usable by the plants, and that takes some time. Chemical nutes are immediately available, unless they are encapsulated in a "time release" form.

I like that mix but I question FF and Roots quality control. I dont trust them to put what suppose to be in there everytime.

Would you be able to substitute Sphagum peat moss and maybe some earthwoom poo?
Then add add some Myco. Is that a good enough mix?
Absolutely. I can't imagine growing without EWC.