Mk ultra light shock or stress ??? Help me out?


Ok so for about 2 months + I was growing under fluorescent t12 bulbs. I bought a 400w mh and eased my two bigger plants under that one I noticed some light shock on both . One strain recovered and the other one didn't look to bad (mk ultra) I had topped it and pruned off the main fan leaves on the stock. The topping did what is was supposed to but started yellowing out at the tops and around the edge of the leaf. But mainly on new growth.. I had taken 4 clones from it about a week ago and it's just gotten worse ... I know it's stressed out but is there anything I can do beside just sit it out? P.s clones are doing well under fluorescent . And plants are both 1 foot tall



Well-Known Member
I don't think the switch to the 400 would shock them that much,how far away is he light, but maybe you could try reporting it or making sure your pH is in check


Well-Known Member
I would look at other areas. I go from flouros to 3000w and never see signs of stress, and with many different strains.


I don't think the switch to the 400 would shock them that much,how far away is he light, but maybe you could try reporting it or making sure your pH is in check
What do you mean reporting it? And could I have stressed it out to much by topping cloning and pruning within two weeks?