MM Patient visiting Arizona

From what I understand. Arizona honors out of state cards, but dispensaries will not sell to you.

Meaning you can have weed and not go to jail, but you cant walk into a dispensary either.
So is it a written law or are the dispensaries just playing it safe by not accepting another states MM card?
not sure exactly but they definitely wont let you get anything. you may have to try a delivery service but alot of them may not want to deal with out of state people as well
Sounds like you have the same asshole politicians writing the rules to make it as hard as they can for sick people to get their meds as we do in Michigan.
Google Arizona Health Service Marijuana Program. This is written in law. Pretty easy to find. Kind of frustrating to read thru the legal jargon. From what I deciphered though, you can have weed legally here, but you cannot buy from a dispensary it is written in Proposition 203.
MM was voted in here in 2008 and we still don't have legal dispensaries,you think your state is screwed up you should see what we're dealing with here.
Which state is that? Can you cultivate for yourself with the state laws?

It was in my OP,Michigan. Yea a patient can grow 12 plants or assign a caregiver to grow them. The states politicians voted in Prairie Plant Systems last year for a second system and it will come into effect when the Feds lower the MJ classification,then I'm sure they will try to take away our grow rights so they can corrupt that system for their own benefit. They're a Canadian company that grows in toxic abandon mines,they paid off Canada's politicians to take away personal grow rights up there.
Well I just found out that my friends sister that lives in Arizona has stage 4 cancer and is receiving treatment in Las Vegas. She's interested in trying Simpson Oil and I thought I should start here to find out if it's available (legal) in Arizona or if not maybe Nevada.
@captainmorgan i know a guy here in az that gives it to cancer patients for a good discount. and concentrates are legal here

The sister I know in my area is a sweet little old lady and she's trying to convince her sister to go on the oil,she had a bad experience with a edible. Do you know a ball park number for the 60 grams that Simpson recommends? I'm on the other side of the Country.