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peaceful sent me a message saying i was ignored because i proved he doesnt know shit about mma or anything at that matter.
gsp over diaz all day, sonnen over stann, bones and rampage should be good, but ill give a slight advantage to rampage-seeing nog work shab after getting worked im a believer in experience. I havent seen bones get hit really and if his jaw is like his legs itle break easy.
true that we dont know about bones chin rampages hands are like frying pans coming at you.
bones does have the longest reach in mma if im not mistaken tho, should be a great fight
Striking and experience yes but wrestling no......Rampage has problems once he gets to the ground....though he has improved his take down defense vastly he has been taken down and those are the fights he has most trouble with.....as I recall Bones has never been taken down once in the ufc octagon yet....and whats up with you and black people......colors doesn't matter in or out the ring......
Yeah the only thing is sparring is a lot different than when being in the octagon.....but hey really I rather watch evans vs bones .....would be a more interesting fight...
If he is smart he will dry hump him until he squirts....lol.........
you perform like u train,in other words u fight like how u train.
it better not turn into the last fight between rashad and rampage when they hugged the whole time that was boring to watch
Really..thats what I suspect rampage vs bones is going to play out.........difference is someone is going to get tko'd or submitted this fight
In a sense yes but the adrenaline you get in the octagon either helps bring out the best or breaks you........
All us mma junkies already knew shogun was and has been injured....his knee is a recurring injuring that has been interfering with his training off and on for a while now.....he looked real sharp in rio though...so it must be alright for the time being....