MMED Approval for MMC seed sales in CO


Active Member
Glorious Colorado day! We finally have a written statement from the MMED regarding seed sales. They have basically stated what we've asserted all along, that the cannabis seed was allowed as part of the original constitutional amendment and can be sold as long as it is produced legally within an OPC/MMC/MIPs environment.

Good news for us seed lovers! :weed::weed::weed:




Well-Known Member
WOW! (holding hand over my chest) That IS a shocker! The MMED actually followed the guidelines of Colorado Amendment 20 ??!!! :shock:. That is GREAT news, no doubt! Not to sound like the negative Nancy of the group, but:

The Obama Administration on Tuesday morning released its annual National Drug Control Strategy, detailing the methods and budgets planned to "combat drug use" for fiscal year 2013. The report stresses that more resources need to be spent on addiction treatment and prevention, and that an enforcement-centric "War On Drugs" is unworkable. But in a prime example of political incongruence, the report also shows that budget allocations for law enforcement methods could increase by hundreds of millions of dollars, including military operations on U.S. soil.

Get those seeds and stockpile folks!


Well-Known Member
In related news, I just looked at the new application for red card renewal and it no longer asks whether you plan to grow your own. It just asks if you are designating a caregiver or picking a primary MMC. Maybe I'm crazy, but I swear I checked a box last time stating that I'd grow my own.

If the Feds are going to crackdown, I think they'd prioritize MMCs first, then caregivers, then individual growers. With the new form individual growers can fly completely under the radar.


Active Member
In related news, I just looked at the new application for red card renewal and it no longer asks whether you plan to grow your own. It just asks if you are designating a caregiver or picking a primary MMC. Maybe I'm crazy, but I swear I checked a box last time stating that I'd grow my own.

If the Feds are going to crackdown, I think they'd prioritize MMCs first, then caregivers, then individual growers. With the new form individual growers can fly completely under the radar.
It doesn't matter because you can still grow your 6 even if you designate a caregiver.


It doesn't matter because you can still grow your 6 even if you designate a caregiver.
Why do people spread misinformation?
No you cannot grow your six plants if someone else is, it is 6 plants per patient. So if you sign up a caregiver or mmc you do not have the right to grow. Just because the local dispensary said you could doesn't mean you actually can. Read the laws for yourself and you will see it is written quite clearly.


Well-Known Member
Trueno is definitely correct, but in fairness to those who are confused, the State has not made it easy to stay on top of the rules. You pretty much have to read many pages of legal text to figure out what is allowed. If they had a functional/user friendly FAQ they could help clear a lot of confusion.


Active Member
Here it is from the desk of our law slingers:

A registered medical marijuana patient has the right to grow six plants while only three of them may be mature at a time. This is different however if a patient chooses to designate a medical marijuana center as their provider. The patient and the medical marijuana center may grow six plants collectively with three of them being mature. If a patient wishes to grow and also name a medical marijuana center as their provider, then the patient should communicate with the medical marijuana center so that plant quotas may be adjusted accordingly.
