MMJ with Grow Rights seeking caregiver

He already had his card renewed with grow rights, coolman. So he is good for another year.

It doesnt matter unless he checked caregiver to cultivate on the form and designated a caregiver the grow rights will be lost
as the address will be rechecked during the change of grow rights from patient to caregiver.
The address is always rechecked when submitting a change application.
It doesnt matter unless he checked caregiver to cultivate on the form and designated a caregiver the grow rights will be lost
as the address will be rechecked during the change of grow rights from patient to caregiver.
The address is always rechecked when submitting a change application.

Ahh, I see what you're saying. Good call, you are probably correct.
This shits all new to me. Growers weigh what you smoke a week you'll be surprised, if you eat it do the math too. Turns out my 3 joints a day smashes an ounce in a week. Forex am I to understand you surrender your rights to grow in exchange for x amount per mos and feel 5oz a mos is reasonable? If you let me bang your old lady when I feel like it we've got a deal.

IS she HOT, I want in on this, I bet I got a better chance with her than winning the power ball this weekend.. woo hoo $475mil, then I will be hiring the cup winner to produce my shit...or a couple of them, and have the next MJ chain that will make Mc Donalds and Starbucks look life Fairy Queen and Folgers.
In that not only can you get the best Dank and enjoy it too, but don't forget to take you take out with you or dine inside. Where are food always taste the best when you have the munchies is what are motto will be..:eyesmoke:
Ok noob to all this, I have a green card with cultivation rights. I intend to grow 12 plants as often as possible. I am also looking at selling or trading with veterans my excess. Now is that legal according to the Az law qualifying patients may get meds from other Q.P.'s I am not looking to get rich or anything but damn nothing in this world is free. Hell it even costs money to die. Side note any veterans that are out there please feel free to contact me!
If you are new to gardening I suggest you read some books on horticulture and stay away from all the BS cannabis books like grow bible etc etc.
Hi Chapel,
You won't be "selling" anything.. You CANNOT, under AMMA. ...Even as a caregiver, if my understanding is correct you can only recoup expenses---not including labor. a new grower,...
...the cheapest/easiest way to grow your meds is outdoors. For your first run I wound not recommend spending $10/seed. Get some commercial Mex seed to practice with. you can get surprisingly good meds from it... And don't be put off by all the techie/ is a weed and responds quite well to good gardening practices. Just learn male from female.
Hi Chapel,
You won't be "selling" anything.. You CANNOT, under AMMA. ...Even as a caregiver, if my understanding is correct you can only recoup expenses---not including labor. a new grower,...
...the cheapest/easiest way to grow your meds is outdoors. For your first run I wound not recommend spending $10/seed. Get some commercial Mex seed to practice with. you can get surprisingly good meds from it... And don't be put off by all the techie/ is a weed and responds quite well to good gardening practices. Just learn male from female.

I like your style, definitely a good way to start
I did some more research and nothing of value is to be traded for meds. I understand the operating expenses part, however it clearly states you can not exchange anything of value. This is copied from AZDHS site.....For offering or providing marijuana to a registered qualifying patient or a registered designated caregiver for the registered qualifying patient's medical use or to a registered nonprofit medical marijuana dispensary if nothing of value is transferred in return and the person giving the marijuana does not knowingly cause the recipient to possess more than the allowable amount of marijuana. This is complete and utter BS its not even legal to recoup your expense's.
I did some more research and nothing of value is to be traded for meds. I understand the operating expenses part, however it clearly states you can not exchange anything of value. This is copied from AZDHS site.....For offering or providing marijuana to a registered qualifying patient or a registered designated caregiver for the registered qualifying patient's medical use or to a registered nonprofit medical marijuana dispensary if nothing of value is transferred in return and the person giving the marijuana does not knowingly cause the recipient to possess more than the allowable amount of marijuana. This is complete and utter BS its not even legal to recoup your expense's.

Nothing in value in exchange for the medicine! Key word - medicine!

Patient 2 Patient, caregiver 2 patient & patient 2 caregiver -
It is fair to get gas if you are driving. It is fair to charge a fee for your time. It is fair to charge a fee to consult. It is fair to charge for knowledge! It is illegal to get paid for the medicine!

A patient may receive medicine from any source! (In the AzDHS rules "Acquire")
A caregiver may receive medicine from any source!
welcome to the good ole American Free Enterprise system. Spend 1000's of $$$ building your grow, spend 1000's of hours learning how to grow and pampering your plants, then give it away FREE !!
oh bull!
You would have spent that to grow anyway...don't lie. Same for the amt of time spent learning. You did it because you wanted to. We all do.
...and it's not like you HAVE to do that to get a grow license.
i would tell you to suck a dick and grow it yourself.
no way you are going to smoke 2.5 oz in two weeks unless your slangin it or smoking blunt after blunt all day.
2.5 zips is fuck all...In a week I ingest well over 5 zips. Were not all STONERS here and just want to get high and punk out...Shut your trap and grow up.
2.5 zips is fuck all...In a week I ingest well over 5 zips. Were not all STONERS here and just want to get high and punk out...Shut your trap and grow up.

Holy shit-balls, that is a lotta dope! Even at good black market prices, that would be upwards of 5k/month. Dispensary cost around 8k!

I believe it is the concensus of the patients/growers here that if you REQUIRE an ounce a day for your condition, you will probably NOT be able to find a caregiver who will supply that much to you FREE.

15-20+ lbs a year...for one body...the mind boggles.

Anyway, I don't see why you're upset at str8sativa regarding comfort limits in providing medicine for patients. The OP was coming from "I have what you need, what can I get for it" angle, and as such, is probably less deserving of generosity and compassion than, say, a patient whose condition requires as much medicine as yours does.

Don't be a dick!
Hi SirGanga,

Sorry to say, with the amt you need....the only way I can see to get it reasonably cheap, is to grow it yourself. You can produce 10lb/yr w/o too much trouble .
Yeah i agree and growing is easy. There are never any issues, electricty is super fucking cheap, no risks of getting robbed or acquiring a pest infestation, start up costs are only a few grand, easy to find a place to cultivate, nutes are almost free and RO systems grow on trees.