mmm insects ?


Active Member
My plant has these small insect on the bottom of the leaves of it. It's only on like 8 leaves . There the size of maybe 1/3 of a grain of rice and white.

Will a bottle spray of water with a lil soap help ?


Well-Known Member
Yes, it will. Dishsoap and water in a mist bottle. Spray the bottoms of all the leaves, leave it on for 30 mins, then mist again with plain water. Don't forget to pH your water to the same level you pH your medium.

Might have to do this a couple times a day.



Well-Known Member
Thrips perhaps? If so, you'll need to get the larva (in the media) as well. Gnatrol works.. also needs several applications.

If it were me, I would prbly mix in a little spinosad in with the soap as well... it's safe to use on flowering plants. Great for thrips.


Well-Known Member
^Yeah, correctly identifying the problem is #1.
The OP didn't say thrips... I just guessed from the little bit of info that was given. Given such little info... I would say it was a pretty good guess.

Follow the steps of IPM and you can't go wrong.