front lights and dirtlol hes got the land, il drop the 12k on that shop. I got 12 primo phenos and a nice CBD strain. Whos going to front the lights and dirt?

front lights and dirtlol hes got the land, il drop the 12k on that shop. I got 12 primo phenos and a nice CBD strain. Whos going to front the lights and dirt?
I know the biggest grow equipment supplier in Manitoba so I can get stuff At or near his cost. But if anyone else has a better connection then we can go that way. How many light would we need to start with?lol hes got the land, il drop the 12k on that shop. I got 12 primo phenos and a nice CBD strain. Whos going to front the lights and dirt?
Before anyone makes a dedicated thread to this we need the idea to be legal. Otherwise it's just conspiring to produce a controlled substance we have no authority to grow(like we're talkg about that is). I don't need to be on any more watch list Lollolleaf start a convo or thread, you might know more locals.
We need redijedi and some others too but i think they went LP
Just in time to pour concrete in the spring.It will be in february, just before spring![]()
I remember reading that. Heat and light transfer is the biggest issues. Greenhouses can work in winter months the question is how much extra will heating it cost?If you want to cut cost down there was an interesting experiment done with winter greenhouse by the university of Manitoba a while back. It worked for veggies. Of course it would need to be revamped a bit. I will see if I can find a link. If it worked with wintertobas wicked winter should work in Ontario no prob.
lots of people brother. my cousin an uncle got raided, both mmar patients... jason wilcox had his house raided and all of his plants ripped by the cops...they paid him back like some small sum of money for every plant they destroyed.. but whatever.Show me a LEGIT mmj user that's had the problems you speak of? Who's kids are being seized because the buy at a dispensary and not a lp? Show me the convictions for possession for the same? Show me someone who's lost their job for not buying dope from a lp? YOU CANT. THEY DONT EXIST. What you're doing now is called fear mongeing and what your portraying as truth is Harper propaganda. And the courts haven't confirmed the mmpr as the only way to obtain mmj. Do you just make this shit up as you go to suit your argument/wallet?
but that's not the reality of the situation right now. If it were like you describe then sure lp's go for it. What is happening is people who want to be a lp or work for a lp want to come here and tell us all that we HAVE to do this or that. And that's just the way it is. Nope sorry. Untill the mmj users have the choice we won't shut up and we won't just let the lp's and the wannabes bully the sick into their plans to get rich quick. The problem is $$ everyone sees a pile of green stuff and thinks it's money. It's the people plant not he people's atm.LP's, CC's, DG's, PPL's........ They should all be allowed, and we should be able to choose where we get our meds in my honest opinion. I like my LP, but i also get why a lot of people wouldn't want to buy from an LP. Where ever we choose to get our cannabis from should be up to us, and people shouldn't get shit on because of where they get it. You might say my LP weed looks like shit, well who gives a fuck if it helps me live a better life? You should be able to get weed from your own grow, a dg, an lp, out of your ass i don't give a shit. I don't believe that it is even half reasonable that we all are forced to buy from an LP, but I don't think they would be a terrible option to be added to the mix.
Some of these LPs have been less than reputable, i get that, and fuck them. But the ones who are sending good meds and have a steady supply, welcome. If you wanna grow, great, if you don't, thats great too. this argument is getting out of hand, its the same shit repeated over an over again.
so who has a criminal record for legally growing using non lp mj? Simple question. The courts can't stop cops from being over zealous and going on illigal raids of legal grows. If you're CONVICTED then you can loose you job, house, kids ect ect. No one is being convicted. Not a tough concept to wrap your head around now is it.lots of people brother. my cousin an uncle got raided, both mmar patients... jason wilcox had his house raided and all of his plants ripped by the cops...they paid him back like some small sum of money for every plant they destroyed.. but whatever.
did they do time? no... but it still fucked up their shit, and they were mmar... the popo destroy and ask questions later.
the more layers of poly or whatever transparent material your using cuts the amount of light transfer quite a bit.If I remember correctly you can cut heating costs by digging the green house into the ground just below frost line say approx 6 feet you can also surround the perimeter of the greenhouse with black water barrels that are all linked and water is constantly pumped and moving. Then there has to be two layers of transparent material for a roof and walls approx 6"-8" space between because you pump bubbles inbetween to give an r value for insulation and the bubbles cause the light that enters to be bounced back. Fuck I wish I could find that link. Also I believe the measurements were 50' by 100' with a cost of $80,000 to 90,000 to build.
It could be a hypothetical thread...I understand what you're saying.Before anyone makes a dedicated thread to this we need the idea to be legal. Otherwise it's just conspiring to produce a controlled substance we have no authority to grow(like we're talkg about that is). I don't need to be on any more watch list Lollol
Got a link to the turbine? How many kW are they saying it produces?I believe it was poly and it was two layers spread with a gap of 6" to 8" between layers of poly that is filled with bubbles from soap I believe. Bw technologies also makes a wind turbine that can run 4 homes or a busines and it is aproximatly $10,000 I looked into all this when I to first heard of the lucrative LP business being started by the government. Then being a patient myself did more research and decided I wouldn't be able to sleep at night if I did what HC and the conservative asked hopeful LP's to be part of there green rush. So I opted out and started to raise any awareness I could about the way the mmpr treats people of lower social class a second class people.