MMPR Grow op: Small Scale

The LP's have nothing to worry about really. They'll never go away.

Less than two years of BS left it would seem/hope. ;)
Any LP not celebrating can fuck right off, as a potential LP the MMPR made the mass of our client base hate us and with just cause, the MMAR and MMPR should coexist until Harper and his ilk are voted out and a leader is put in place who will remove cannabis from the CDSA and regulate the medical and commercial sale and legalize the personal cultivation and consumption of cannabis.
I'm a potential LP but a patient too and happy as fuck about outcome and have already started my celebration tonight lol.
how far are you guys into the lp system? are you building new? whats after the application/ security process? before the build?
I don't hate any of you. I don't like the position I've been placed in and having to make the choices I would have had to make. You guys will not be making money off the medical community - your business lies in legalization and the recreational market. Those people have high paying jobs and oodles of disposable income. Why Harptler ever thought this would fly is beyond comprehension. I had every faith that legal precedent would prevail. I believe we are witnessing the beginning of the end. Thank christ
I've always shown my support for the patients right to grow their own.
You guys know me, and what I stand for.
I'm very very happy about today's court outcome.
I can hold my head high, and look forward to the future dual program.
It should be a dual program.
I've always shown my support for the patients right to grow their own.
You guys know me, and what I stand for.
I'm very very happy about today's court outcome.
I can hold my head high, and look forward to the future dual program.
It should be a dual program.

It really is the only way this will work. People will just keep on fighting until it is. Gotta say leaf, you have been totally respectful of me and my position/opinions and I do appreciate that.
Ya you guys are right it is Steven hitler and his clowns have fucked everyone over. And I have said it from the start LP's are a recreational market and that's fine but please don't force me a patient to be classified in a recreational market...
I hear ya grow...
I think we understand why most of you wannabe's and patient lp's felt the need to comply...with the gov....I mean its even possible some of you may have voted for Harpie.....
To each his own....
And this was definitely an in to the future market of legal MJ...I think most of us were upset with the fact we were being used as stepping stones by our fellow Canadians for their personal an entrance to this market....
I used to be all in for legal grass....and IF that is what the mmpr was being set up for from day one...then patients and Lp's would have gotten along swimmingly...
I would have been all for a second legal avenue to obtain plants or seeds or finished the event I had a crop failure of some sort....or was in need of certain strains that could have been made available...
Then Lp's would be a benefit to both systems...and even for shipping abroad.... with wide open sales of legal cannabis to end user consumers.....and we all know there are plenty of customers....
a "Dopers Retail", store system....similar to the beer store would be well making LP's more like Molsons and Labbatts etc...right down to the niche market micro grower.....

Really its all about the right approach....and ultimately....I don't think we wanted you to really lose it all....just play in the right market for the right reasons....

hopefully extending this the LP's out there....will help mend any hard feelings between sides....
Like many on both sides have said...we need to work together for the advancement of MJ..instead of fighting.....
So LP's here is your big chance to try and force legalization outright...sooner rather than later....
I hear ya grow...
I think we understand why most of you wannabe's and patient lp's felt the need to comply...with the gov....I mean its even possible some of you may have voted for Harpie.....
To each his own....
And this was definitely an in to the future market of legal MJ...I think most of us were upset with the fact we were being used as stepping stones by our fellow Canadians for their personal an entrance to this market....
I used to be all in for legal grass....and IF that is what the mmpr was being set up for from day one...then patients and Lp's would have gotten along swimmingly...
I would have been all for a second legal avenue to obtain plants or seeds or finished the event I had a crop failure of some sort....or was in need of certain strains that could have been made available...
Then Lp's would be a benefit to both systems...and even for shipping abroad.... with wide open sales of legal cannabis to end user consumers.....and we all know there are plenty of customers....
a "Dopers Retail", store system....similar to the beer store would be well making LP's more like Molsons and Labbatts etc...right down to the niche market micro grower.....

Really its all about the right approach....and ultimately....I don't think we wanted you to really lose it all....just play in the right market for the right reasons....

hopefully extending this the LP's out there....will help mend any hard feelings between sides....
Like many on both sides have said...we need to work together for the advancement of MJ..instead of fighting.....
So LP's here is your big chance to try and force legalization outright...sooner rather than later....

Like the comment. At the end of the day I'm all about access for all who need it. I support the path that leads to the most access to those who need it. I support Conroys fight whole heartedly! Cannabis is miracle plant and should be available to all. That's what I believe at the end of the day.
In the long run MJ will save lives just in respect to it being a party-able substance....
that unlike alcohol...has considerably less impact to society....alcohol is a huge killer....
so if plenty of people switch to grass it stands to reason....that society will benefit
Thanks guys I'm sorry about the aggressive attitude... I live in a small conservative gov town hopefully nobody gets hurt by this ass monkey government of Steven hitler even LP's
we all understand where every ones emotions are coming from...
sort like we are all in a sinking boat....taking turns bailing out the water....
I live in an area's that has voted selfserative for the last 80 years...i think...with maybe one exception...
it kinda sucks casting your ballet each time knowing the result ahead of time....but I don't let that stop me from trying at least....
and I think I may have even talked a few of the hillbilly's around here....into voting different next time round....fingers crossed
Well said dan...I don't think I would be feeling so cordial if the decision had gone the other way though, and I'm also not sure the same olive branch would have been extended this way. However, onward and upward.
grace is required win or shows that we are civilized
mind you I would have been cursing a blue streak here at
If anyone needs a QA person in the Toronto or eastern Ontario drop me a pm and I can hook you up. If your on the west coast I have an excellent QA person out there that I work with and I can hook you up with him also.


Well looks like there is some justice, lets get back to growing your own and us LP's will just have to learn to live with it. I would point out that this is the best of both worlds for all concerned. There will always be people who grow and there will always be people who buy so everyone wins. Big group hug.

I don't think any of the small LP's should be worried about the future, can't say the same for the big guys. WTF is tweed going to do with 15 metric tons a month? I have an idea why not have Reggae week in Canada and everyone gets a free 1/4 pound.