"Mn Growers Unite" 2011


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You all should know better in Minnesota not to put out until 1st or 2nd week of May.

I know, I just had no choice. My mother freaked out the other day when a cop came to the door about my little brothers unnatended fire. My step father on the other hand believes in the medicinal value of marijuana and how hemp can save the world. My moms a registered nurse and still looks at it as a street drug. Out of the seven femalesI have that got rushed out the door Only three remain, they survived last night tho since I put boxes over them. But no, I haven't started my main strains yet, just the freebies.


Well-Known Member
Second year grow in Midwest. Got 5 Feminized Sensi Seeds Early Skunks. They are 4 or 5 weeks and about 8 inches tall just getting normal greenhouse sun till they are ready to go outside. Only concern that I have is that they are already showing some pistils which I have never seen on plants this early in the past??? Is this going to be a problem when I transplant them to the outside??? They look great and very healthy just not sure about showing there sex so early when they have a long time to veg yet? Any one have some detailed advice on where I can go with this or maybe its normal for some hybrids? Also have 5 Dinafem Blue Widows that look great but are not showing sex yet.


Active Member
Second year grow in Midwest. Got 5 Feminized Sensi Seeds Early Skunks. They are 4 or 5 weeks and about 8 inches tall just getting normal greenhouse sun till they are ready to go outside. Only concern that I have is that they are already showing some pistils which I have never seen on plants this early in the past??? Is this going to be a problem when I transplant them to the outside??? They look great and very healthy just not sure about showing there sex so early when they have a long time to veg yet? Any one have some detailed advice on where I can go with this or maybe its normal for some hybrids? Also have 5 Dinafem Blue Widows that look great but are not showing sex yet.
Ooh Im jealous of the blue widows and I've had great success with ES. As far as the early pistols go they should be fine once you puttem out. It might take em a little while to revert to veg but they might also grow alot thicker when they recover. You'll be seein some neet growth patterns llike swirled leaves that look like little saw blades.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the input man have you ever had ES show early pistols in your past grows? I am pumped about the Blue Widows as well. Our grow is in Southern Minnesota but I would rather not specify the area for obvious reasons. As far as trading we are planning on moving out to Colorado after our harvest so I think I will just roll with what I got for this year. I also have a Delicious Seeds Cotton Candy Freebie. I have not decided if I will germ my Samsura Sugar Mango Rider yet as it is an auto flower strain an have never grew one.


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checked out a few new spots to grow. I like to plant in pairs usually, so that way if found it don't appear quite so obvious as it could be "just some more wild pot" or something like that or "its only 2?" that sort of thing, atleast in my mind thats the way i would see it. anyways here the low down on a couple of the spots. they're on some state land or public hunting land. "management area". anybody plant on these?? (my main question) one spots borders a pasture I archery hunt. its about 1/4 mile off the tar. along the pasture is a tree thin tree line and on the other side of the tree line is some pheasant grass. (nobody really pheasant hunt it cuz there just aint many birds around after the winter before last, pretty much wiped em out)i was thinking of planting 2 on the state land side on the edge of the tree line. the line runs east west so the plants would be on south side of the tree line. would be a great spot, I got ahead of myself because it was just such a great spot but it wide open and on state land so it kinda makes me hestitant the more i think about it. i hunt alot and am outdoors even more. I ride the four wheeler out there extremely frequently and the dnr in the area doesnt come over here much cuz he says its a "no patrol zone" because they are spread so thin down here they just don't come over here because there just aint much if any action here. its just us locals here that hunt it. its a small town of about 100 and the management area is about 1 mile out of town. I guess i just want your experiences of this sort of thing on state land and if you would do it how would you go about it or if you wouldnt, why wouldnt you?? I stuck between a rock and a hard place as Ive already dug the damn holes and spread the dirt out in the area so thin that the only way to cover the hole would be to haul dirt back in to fill them without leaving any hints or possible injury's by someone stumbling into them with a loaded gun. just not a good idea to leave the dug out like that. so let me know what you guys think. much appreciated.

P.s I too am growing early skunk. got some blue lemon thai, some short rider, critical mass, jamaican dream, tnt kush, and some monster as well as some of nirvana's swiss cheese. so if you would plant here what would you plant. I was thinking the thai and a short rider or maybe critical mass and monster. (either both huge, or both small. lol) huge for fuck it if its found its found and small in case its like,... you can try just keep it small and try to blend it in. lmao)


Active Member
Thanks for the input man have you ever had ES show early pistols in your past grows? I am pumped about the Blue Widows as well. Our grow is in Southern Minnesota but I would rather not specify the area for obvious reasons. As far as trading we are planning on moving out to Colorado after our harvest so I think I will just roll with what I got for this year. I also have a Delicious Seeds Cotton Candy Freebie. I have not decided if I will germ my Samsura Sugar Mango Rider yet as it is an auto flower strain an have never grew one.
I've never had early pistols with the ES, not that early. I do have a couple female Sensi outdoor mix offspring, a Big bad John male and female (autos) and a blue thunder female that I started a couple months ago in my closet that all started maturing early on 23 hrs. Could be the pheramones from when the bbj started, could be that they where getting rootbound or it could be the growing light my sister gave me. Not sure. It doesn't really worry me though since their goin outside in the ground and nothin beets the sun which I'm pretty sure will reveg them.


Active Member
Sounds like you got it figured out pretty well hitthisshit. The only thing you could tweak is the side of the tree line your on, they respond better to the morning sun but thats not such a big deal. I don't see how your running into problems with the holes though. Most guirrilla growers dig out about a five gallon hole and fill it with potting soil or compost that they backpacked out and top it with the native topsoil so animals don't dig it up. My problem is usually withgetting rid of the dirt I dug out. I usually fling it away as I dig so theres not a bald spot next to my hole. Is this your first year growing Early Skunk? You'll definately be impressed with it and probly have the best smoke in town. I'm growin Early Pearl this year since I prefer daytime smoke but the ES was a nice mixed high.


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Heres my Blue Thunder and Sensi outdoor mix f2 after frost hit them. They where in the back of a van which apparently wasn't enough protection. The Sensi twins didn't mind so much as they have tougher genetics but the BT took a beetin. Their back in my closet and smell like dead leaves in the fall which I keep havin to mask with axe kilo body spray since my mom already threw a tantrum and kicked them out right before frost after bein ok with them for two months. The BT's lookin pretty rough but theirs signs of life and small regrowth so she should make it and hopefully the next gen will be a little tougher. I guess I learned my lesson not to push it to early anymore not to mention the seven ufo's I lost that where also kicked out. I haven't started the Guerrillas Gusto, LSD, Early Pearl or the rest of the Blue Thunders yet so I'm still lookin good but a little butt hurt. Thats too bad you don't wanna cross your Blue Widow with my Blue Thunder purplepride, I guess I'll have to order some, just waitin till the tude gets freebies that I like.


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what do you guys usually have your light schedule at when you put em out for the year? it completely slipped my mind in the mix of me getting my soil shit together. Now I have my soil and all the good stuff for it but kinda screwed in another way. I'm still currently running 24/0 with fluro's, been putting them outside all day and bringing them back in under the lights at night. I got a feeling if I take that extra light away from them right they will flower on me then Ill be really pissed. lol do want to waste all that time having them start flower then revert back to veggin. too much wasted time but yet I really want 2 out of the house this weekend as they are just getting too big. (good problem to have) ;) I want your take on this. you think they will flower on me going straight from 24/0 to our 14/something we're currently at outdoors? Or should I just start the transistion on the lights now and suck it up and wait another week for next weekend. If i do that I guess I'll just have to take an hour away every other day. which still might be rushing it...


Well-Known Member
i am at 18 on 6 off and going out next week if it was me i would walk it down to 18 are your plant showing sex mine are not planted in side out during the day in at nite like you started from seed 8 of march and all topped happy to see im not the only pot head in mn


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anybody else get hit by this damned hail today? we got nailed. garden took a beatin and a couple plants got a few holes put in their leaves. overall not bad, but damage is damage.


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Need to tell you guys what happened to me today!! First let me tell you that i was born and raised in the burbs 20 mins from the cities, and just moved up to duluth six months ago for my second year of school. I'm finishing up my first indoor grow with some afghan autos but also have a feminized photo freebie that i've been vegging for over two months. so with the season just starting i decided im going to put the freebie outside to finish. well today i'm out on some hiking trails scouting out potential spots and see a skinny little natural trail opening leading further into the dense woods. well little did my stupid city boy ass know that what i was following was in fact an animal trail. after following this trail for a few hundred feet i come to a small clearing and find my self staring down a fucking black bear no more than 25 ft from me. i stood totally frozen in my tracks, luckily he wasn't spooked or interested in me at all, he just stared at me for a few seconds, huffed then turned around and headed back to the woods and i did the same. quite an experience for me, especially since the closest ive ever came to a wild animal would be the squirrels in the backyard. well just thought i share that, but anyways

has anyone put anything outside yet? i'm thinking may 20th but will have to keep checking the weather. here is my freebie, Crazy Miss Hyde, she's a northern light cross so hopefully will be rigid enough for our climate. i'm hoping to chop down a tree when i harvest end of sept.


Well-Known Member
good thing that bear didnt have cubs iam out side the valley croix and we had hail all over in the metro yesterday dont think iam puting these guys out till after the 15 may tga 001.jpgtga 006.jpg


Active Member
good thing that bear didnt have cubs iam out side the valley croix and we had hail all over in the metro yesterday dont think iam puting these guys out till after the 15 may
very true, if it was a mama bear with some cubs it would have been a very different story, one that i probably wouldn't have lived to tell. tasty looking keef you got there. what strain are those plants?


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Anything new going on here? I got most of mine out now. Still putting out clones. I'll keep putting em out in different spots till late June. Why not...